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the origin of Olympics课件

潘萌 江映霞 孙贝贝 Introduction;Ancient Greece;Mount Olympus ; Among all the gods in Greek Mythology, the 12 ones whose names are in red in the picture, are the principal gods people adore.;阿芙罗狄蒂 乌拉诺斯+盖亚 (维纳斯) ↙↘ 克洛诺斯 + 瑞亚 哈得斯 赫斯 德墨 波 宙 + 赫 →赫菲斯托斯 提亚 忒尔 塞东 斯 拉 → 阿瑞斯 +玛亚 +勒托 +墨提斯 赫尔墨斯 阿波罗 雅典娜 阿尔忒弥斯;Zeus--Zeus is the ruler of the Olympian gods. He is also known as Jupiter and Jove (both Roman). His attributes in iconography include the lightning bolt, the eagle, and the sceptre. ·Hera-- As the wife (and sister) of Zeus, Hera is the patron of marriage. She is also known as Juno (Roman). She has no unique attributes in iconography and so can only be identified by context or inscription. ·Poseidon-- Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is also known as Neptune (Roman) and the Earth-shaker. His attributes in iconography include the trident and the fish. ·Demeter-- Demeter is the giver of grain. She is also known as Ceres (Roman) and sometimes Deo. Her attributes in iconography can include a torch, a crown, a sceptre, and stalks of grain. She is often portrayed with her daughter, Persephone/Kore. ;Hestia -- Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, of the right ordering of domesticity and the family, who received the first offering at every sacrifice in the household, but had n


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