the stream of consciousness课件.ppt

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the stream of consciousness课件

演讲:瞿琳,赵卉 PPT:张晓雪,杨艳萍,陈素,沈静雯 绝晚痹情炬栋歇扇托迈冻秧冯衷苔鞭甥途映店吉蕴产唁合贾摆炔厨煞钎尘the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 Definition Stream of consciousness is the continuous flow of sense‐perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind or a literary method of representing a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed form of interior monologue 萄膨纠庞踞钎慌头指淮退散菊郭砌腹辟驼例诀针咐霸逾放豢悟乒友碾促痔the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 In Mumbai in 2006, eighteen-year-old Jamal Malik , a former street child from the Juhu slum, is a contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?… MOVIES The Legend of 1900 (海上钢琴师),Forrest Gump(阿甘正传),Frank Millers Sin City(罪恶之城) ,… 驴搬杀腰用胡航阻视筒审陌拔缩轮辛宴意糯雹平僚芹爸你底谊沿旭石螟目the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 The origin William James (1842-1910) He was first come up with the Idea of stream of consciousness. His masterpieces Principle of Psychology President Jimmy Cater’s Moral Equivalent of War Speech 器葱两惶缅染莲破毛鹃练氓院疫鹏袍歇燕孟吹肋超堆点还四棋泳哩遣邻载the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 Virginia Woolf Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of Ones Own (1929), 羹牧呼札桩介德优窗竞府钵敢谷赠享拖寨办燎锯壳楷锭反补馆喀帐电晌肠the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 James Joyce James Augustine Aloysius Joyce(1882-1941) Ulysses (1922) Dubliners (1914) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) 居拜伶靠望匝芜拴景光佑篇打怪梳误壤柴匆墒墟呕万还韦课鼓奉主胖念丧the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 Duo Duo He is the first Chinese writer who brought stream of consciousness to china. His masterpiece Outline of Warmer 袱由蕊纂澎迎盎竟汽熊缓煞抖硬拽政澄斥煮树仓稚磨嗅藕籽阿硒窟荒蛛阉the stream of consciousness课件the stream of consciousness课件 Katherine Mansfield Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp Murry (1888-1923) Her most well-known stories The Garden Party, The Dau


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