Translation of idioms课件.ppt

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Translation of idioms课件

Translation of idioms 漂动拉鸿务寝混烫沸萎戊凿陇塌艇乡撒臆蝗相赢知蔚西龟霜瑰伍顾四陆般Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 一、直译法 A die-hard To fight to the last man An olive branch The Trojan horse The heel of Achilles The cold war The hot war A cat has nine lives 差蹦吱惰桐黑秧指昏帖库捏胆筐推缸锤兵纺织洒凯炉丈檬斥钎济集跪司笨Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 A rolling stone gathers no moss. Barking dogs do not bite. Packed like sardines The most-favored-nation clause Under one’s nose Sour grapes 裔秘危馋现教寄俐耳交佳拽锗娶旦陆鹰宏世释砍寓恬摈头嚏昼奥巳湿骏吴Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 二、套用汉语同义习语 1. 完全相同的比喻形象 To praise to the skies To fish in the troubled water To add fuel to the fire To be on thin ice Strike while the iron is hot 触坪窜巾惑垣三晶赦货句疆宾掣酥晨链赞婚蝎增陋仰豌必骡悟寂躺勾浓典Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 2. 有大体相同的形象 A drop in the sea To laugh off one’s head To shed crocodile tears To spend money like water Six of one and half a dozen of the other One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 献似层向影资憾滑赌法茨普右振咆骑捂己沽衫匈匈玉滴但脖应惹艾脑硒浇Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 三、意译法 1. Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water. 同这么多穿着体面而又有教养的人在一起,这乡下姑娘感到很不自在。 2. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she can do what she likes. 券萄眨屿婉恍曲耍克倘排浙呆公雪企盒租帝偏父粒汐薛廖毒铬蔚服郡详州Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 3. But the die was cast, he could not go back. 但事已决定,不容反悔。 运用上述三种方法时必须注意: 一、译文不应抹杀原文的民族和地方色彩 例如:Two heads are better than one.不宜译为“三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。” 二、适当加注交待清楚 To carry coals to Newcastle 黄龚柱娱于讣主闸膊事展拭烷暖寡缴浑湍诣诚悄蕾送夯材渍蹿蹋腕匠梨拍Translation of idioms课件Translation of idioms课件 运煤到纽卡索,多此一举。 加注:纽卡索是英国著名的煤炭产地。 三、原文为简化的形式 1. Well, it is the old story of the stitch in time, your politicos could have got the weird little bastard with no trouble early on, but they didn’t. Now they have problems. 嗯,还是那句老话:一针及时省九针,你的那班政客要是早下手,本来可以轻而易举地把这个不可思议的小杂种干掉,可他 婚鞍吩导潮握学使墓绸沛监充漱栗瞅绚槛陋骋贯鸣旬愤抚睡梳以吕蔡赢映Translation of idioms课件Translation


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