Unit 1 College Life课件.ppt

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Unit 1 College Life课件

阎腮鲁殊懈镣迢际旨镰罕界啥当陡妒样缚猩裸赖惜丙厚桌炕泅赞跪级餐胖Unit 1 College Life课件Unit 1 College Life课件;;;;哨衷棋秀肖粉赞务羚持诉凄尾析捕裳统袁掠翱绊哈挤员苛还亢柠布忻拄勺Unit 1 College Life课件Unit 1 College Life课件;类毅哇旷丸朋琳垦回配漳低塌脖蛙粳忿芹敬羚帜嫩疼畔约陈决桑牌半拼东Unit 1 College Life课件Unit 1 College Life课件;;;;英语重要性: (1)职业需要 用人单位对英语的要求随着中国的国际化是越来越高,尤其是一些大中型企业,要想找个好工作,过六级是必须的。如果想进外企就跟更不用说。 ;(2)广泛应用性 英语已经成为当今世界数十个国家的官方语言,这些国家独占了全世界70%以上的财富,不懂英语就意味着跟这70%的机会无缘。 另有一大批原本的非英语国家,如我们的近邻韩国,随着经济起飞,跟国际市场快速融合,英语早已普及化???大众化。调查显示,在这些国家,英语水平跟个人社会地位等级明显成正比。; 怎么学好英语 ;College English (New Concept Book 1): Basic communication skills and conceptions How to adjust yourself to college life Ways to make friends The relationship between health and wealth Join in sports activities Difference of marriage culture between Eastern and Western countries Eating out … …;College English (New Concept Book 2): how to make more communications through kinds of ways (Internet, Sightseeing) and more conceptions (fashion, process of learning, custom tradition… …);Final exam: 30% (class attendance + daily performance + assignments) 70% (exam marks);讲授方法 Teaching Methods;学习方法 Learning Methods;英语小百科; ;Situation: You two met each other at the campus. Talk about the school uniform. Speaker B: You think the uniforms are too old-fashioned. Tips for speaking: ? uniform is old-fashioned. ? college life should be colorful. ? at weekends we should have our own choices. ;可以借用的词汇;可以借用的词汇;可以借用的词汇;可以借用的词汇;Sample Dialogue;B: That’s true, but campus life should be colorful, this is not in the army, girls need to be beautiful, and you know it’s Friday today, do you think this is reasonable to wear it? A: Yes, a little bit strange. B: Right, if we can wear what we like on weekends that will be better.;Sample Dialogue;Assignments; ;III. Give a short talk on a topic related to the film after group discussion. ;可以借用的词汇;可以借用的词汇;可以借用的词汇;Sample Talk; As far as I know, speaking loudly is a good way. Whenever you want to say something, try your best to say


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