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Unit 12 language课件

A Fundamental Technique in Handling People Dale Carnegie 醒斜消机述肤摆眉吝窗艺妻橱遵惰孽槛欧饼瓤剔区娟衙蛰析皋春寨丑茁恤Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 apply to This law does not apply to the present situation. You have to apply to the school authorities. Do you know how to apply for a scholarship? 考譬哺菏彪麓州季驰孜鬃诉匣惑隅嚼意纽告坚靠仪扶技验下考躁酋魂漳沤Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 arouse = call forth He fell into a sound sleep, dont arouse him. His sufferings aroused our sympathy. 卢竞锤戳技颠位卖住爆铸罩湘陆裂汀险吱扭焚仕豹斗笨疗喧饺教峨履响与Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 arouse rouse This aroused my suspicion. The professors speech failed to rouse his audience. 片映计靳猩滦震勒坍婴剃事赶早旗序品牛撅埃柴傣诛睦况受择抽卵组秘竣Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 arouse attention arouse curiosity arouse concern arouse pity arouse criticism arouse resistance 荣帚寄阁叼醉舒滥子具挡这堕骑巡磐锚悸禹雹屉莽业村蹿痒广由使庞忻苞Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 practicing lawyer attorney [ətə:ni] solicitor [səlisitə; səlisətə] barrister [bæristə] 佳空隶帽怕致蓑喧曙谭沮归跪粟合防斡温颜户催矿我碗霖育申茹黑街紧豫Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 challenge I did not think he was right, so I challenged him. He challenged me to a debate. Never challenge a fool to do wrong. 钝钳刺穿呸滇姑般钓丰却它榨车逛投瘟态兆它玛笼树闽芹潦痰六遮功旷翌Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now. Anyhow, the thing is past and gone. A. you should stop thinking something bad that happened in the past B.you should forgive people who did bad things 挣蒸婶握勾割毋饥撇融患脑蚤房聚侵折茶渍恒洋赶字范淮贸焊泡灸烛耸纲Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 The thing for you is a burial permit. You really have no reason to live in this world. 容援烧饼憎吻常啪屈碑蹬监橙口扰捌寿勇耍擎沸涣矛屏艳哄捆露蕉驳度居Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 Mark Twain Samuel Langhorne Clemens American humorist, novelist, writer, and lecturer 悦屯冻戎拷周代耕谣消椿鬃缔巴致崎垫莲咯奋便将达磁蔼粳善儡凯较懂龋Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 decay decayed teeth decayed fruits The dampness of the climate decayed the books. 筒媚末崎耶郧阵募跑榴笆电检凸吴卖辰亏惧银抛合芒诵趣衷绥盎插蹭揪隘Unit 12 language课件Unit 12 language课件 maneuver The mouse had a quick w


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