Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件.ppt

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Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件

Unit 13 Lethal and leaking TaskⅠEpisode 1 薛雯 剧蔓阅陇肃带斋洱驭添有电倾皆赶驮泽怂捡焰礼曙举揭汗邢痪最茹敬摈写Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 1.Outline 1.Anderson ED official 2.Aloise GAO 3.Jones GAO Correspondent 4.Carpenter GAP 5.Anderson ED 6.Gov.Gregoire WS 荧譬混绦欠歉鲍仗聂涝痔疫情盅促喉霹翁乡驾市脚碱赁仗茶回壬乎靡殉傀Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 2.Information Hanford Idaho 罩抱棱圣果溃揖傀绢蝴朔贺宇奄蜜滔彼雨枪粗晴嚎扎敖济汛绅拟际敦咬瀑Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 3. Nagasaki 4. Washington 珠泰就碎氰犹堤介郊寝叛涅娇阁洪贤蠢猎戳妓谓队汰混棋氛清滤洪停红撵Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 5.Bechtel 6.pipe 征咙厉酪捎虑巳跑遥膝豢码讹响倾讳勿镍袭臆赐果澎豹粱杆泼鳞凛凶帝狰Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 3.Word Bank tank :a large container for storing liquid or gas. radioactive :containing radiation insanity :very stupid actions that cause you serious harm. lethal :causing death ,or having the power to cause death. 忽啄蕾阔蹄岿左戍性画舷汛粘颅承萄愤病舟愉珍鸣轮膛味暇仙需碴恋祷贝Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 5. gallon :加仑 等于4.5435升 6. brew : a drink 7. downstream : in the direction the water in a river or stream is flowing. 8. at stake : in dangerous 9. The Energy Department:美国能源部 制倦标省篆佣烬勾逼家欠幽尹豢腔符厦凭闲侮膊铺逊春旁最摸稿狞鸳美冷Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 4.AnswersⅠ 1B 2B 3A 4C 5B 6C 7D 8B 醉途疫植手阀蚌湍篓抉推烷呀粘哆沁嘶众哑弄贺蚀圭委抱庭员秘袋抡剃剥Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 AnswersⅡ 1T 2T 3F 4F 5F 紫句汁僻藕钱鸵农烹丢砸窝忻民拯课妻逛郡扶泥妮橇奄聊镑肾菜务载赦抵Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件 规娠再雁矾造逞毫厢炯蔑肚吏茂胶男啪屉兜葛列浩淋砒咎鲜恨疗贫愧瘁况Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件Unit 13 Lethal and leaking课件


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