Unit One(Key Words and Vocabulary)课件.ppt

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Unit One(Key Words and Vocabulary)课件

Unit One;Part I Warming up;chime----n. the sound made by a set of bells(一套钟发出的)钟声 millennium----n. a period of 1,000 years; a span of one thousand years一千年,一千年的时间,千禧年 (its plural form is millenniums; or millennia) prospective----adj. likely to be or become预期的,可能要成为…的 prospective bride未婚妻 his prospective mother-in-law他未来的岳母 gala----n. an occasion of planned enjoyment or special public entertainment节日庆祝活动,节日期间的活动 区别:gale----v. a very strong wind狂风,强风 countdown----n. an act of counting backwards in seconds to zero倒数计秒 fanfare----n. a short loud ceremonial piece of usually trumpet music played to introduce a person or an event(引导某人进场或宣布活动开始时)嘹亮的喇叭声 make/raise a big fanfare大吹大擂 ;Kiribati----an island country of the west-central Pacific Ocean near the equator. 基里巴斯 太平洋中西部靠近赤道的一个岛国。 Vietnam----越南 Hanoi----the capital of Vietnam河内[越南首都] Bangkok----the capital and largest city of Thailand曼谷(泰国首都) Egypt----埃及(Cairo is the capital and the largest city.);Part II The Time Ball;tradition----n. a mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.惯例 某民族一代代人一直遵守的一种思想或行为方式;习惯或习俗 by tradition----按照传统风俗 By tradition, people play practical jokes on April 1st.按照传统风俗,4月1日人们开恶作剧的玩笑。 install----v. to set (an apparatus) up, ready for use安装 install a heating or lighting system in a building(在建筑物中)安装暖气或照明设备 observatory----n. a place where scientists watch natural objects and events (esp. the moon, stars, etc.) 天文台;revive----v. to come or bring back into use or existence再使用,重归使用 revive old practices / customs / trends 恢复旧做法;再兴旧习俗;重现某倾向 sweep----v. 1. remove (dust, dirt) with or as if with a broom or brush扫,掸,打扫(灰尘、污垢等) sweep the dust from the table清扫桌子上的灰尘 2. to move quickly and powerfully掠过,快速扫过 Rumors swept through the town.城内谣言四起。 The party swept the country.----The party won the election by a large majority.该党在全国的大选中大获全胜。 ;viable----adj. able to succeed in operatio


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