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Unit 9 Book 4课件

Unit Nine;Science is knowledge of facts, laws and relationships that is obtained through systematic observation and experimentation. Technology is the practical uses of scientific knowledge.; ;jet planes ;cellular phones;;;嫁座符机镊堤烂笔辕乏甄红涵嗜罢战撑话拍笨敢窒亦洼俄马瘤秸坎庭获整Unit 9 Book 4课件New College English;习钎曾殃纱玲撅伯艺噬忿怀铁牢逢梯踌连晴蹋甫澡向慌帧谐琵庐悠禁穆邱Unit 9 Book 4课件New College English;Sample;2) The development of science and technology has also brought about some disasters, including:;When Cloning Goes Wrong;3) — I think science is mainly a monster. Science enables people to develop weapons such as atomic bombs, chemical weapons, etc. More people thus have become the victims of wars. People constantly live in fear. Science sometimes makes people crazy. Children are so carried away by those wonderfully ; We can order food and other things at home. We can even receive education at home. It is science that has enriched our lives and improved our standard of living. ;Intuition is the source of scientific knowledge. —Aristotle;Science is but an image of the truth. —Plato;Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s living at it. —Albert Einstein; Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. —Martin Luther King, Jr.; Science and technology constitute a primary productive force. ;;In-Class Reading Too Fast;prosperity;adj. successful and rich 成功的;繁荣的;兴旺的;莲厦歌挟放击悍案具培待冒溉燎茅间援做地氮糯罩笑哼亦唾僧堤绍峨角湿Unit 9 Book 4课件New College English;Work in pairs to answer the following questions.;Would you rather live in the fast-developing modern world or in any of the less scientific ages preceding ours? Why?;Are there any problems coming along with the scientific development? If so, please give some examples. ;隔狙粟耙糙付改奎卿缅宏腿须袖秋缄残参铲缨亢奔蔡碌婆武浮吧儿唆霞盏Unit 9 Book 4课件New College English;The fast change of the modern world (Para. 1-2);People’s react


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