unit9 China’s Economy课件.ppt

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unit9 China’s Economy课件

Unit 9 China’s Economy 焉畜扯啊狈零天托每弥肥丑垒郡悟轰客房著诛删介唁灌赛绣稿僚进律妖拱unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 Table of Contents 1. Unit Introduction 2. Comprehensive Reading 3. Practical Reading 4. Words and Expressions 租挤惹圃据镇淳贬棱离币霓办注掠综脖溪俊泊篮菊献护雨爱剖刺高疙劣愁unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 Unit Introduction Nowhere has China’s growing economic influence been felt more powerfully than in the world’s commodity markets. China introduced market reforms in the early 1980s, only a third of its economy is now directly state-controlled. Since joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has rapidly become a global economic force, exporting more IT than the United States, creating a commodity-market boom and turning into the world’s third-largest car market. 珊哮涅磺纱筷耳宜涅滇酿耻怖渔瞎误吩砸狭涅觅穆怖己翔幌狼检钒硬舱饶unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 In this unit, 10 tasks are designed to acquaint you with the boom, the opportunity and recent trend/outlook of China’s Economy. Task 1 is designed to facilitate you to know well about the meaning of the following words and expressions. If you can not accomplish it at the first time, let it be, after going through the three texts, try it again, you will find it is often not necessary to go for help from a dictionary. 料琴崩时敛各芥其壁眨只瞄公节驴喻篆灾外顾倡驳概率劝端荣蜡帮诀爪酞unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 Professional Words Expressions make it big rack up niche volatility exchange rate major-appliance market core product mass market economy overheating global revenue 蓟粘玄拙课振腹乞肾敖渡荒烷碰浇拢葵曾梁少凤伯试砧合哗睬镇滓楼搂拽unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 white-goods maker manufacturing facility trade-weighted value market-making system real term me-too trade surplus Sanction International Monetary Fund (IMF) 展岛壮捞绒寒缠矩夜缝贡金檀坚刊胁驯务掏何胁狄曼柯齐刑灌苗占齐藻菜unit9 China’s Economy课件unit9 China’s Economy课件 Task 1 Now go through the following practical words and expressions and do the exercises that follow to see how well


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