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Terms of Payment ;;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit;Major types of letters of credit; General Process of Using Documentary L/C ;Part II. Urging Establishment of L/C ;How should we write a letter to urge establishment of L/C? ; (III). Writing steps and useful expressions ; 1)foregoing adj. 上述的,前面的 We hope the foregoing terms of payment will be acceptable to you. 我们希望你方能够接受上述的付款条件。 Please let us know at an early date whether the goods we ordered can be shipped within the foregoing time of period. 请尽快告知我方,我们订购的货物能否在上述期限内到达我方。;(II). Specimen Letters ;;Letter-10(4): Reply ; covering adj. 有关的,相关的 Please see to it that the goods should be shipped as soon as the covering L/C reaches you. 请注意??我方信用证一到达你处,请即发货。 After shipment is made, we will make out the covering documents and submit them to the bank for negotiation. 货物装运以后,我们将缮制出相关单据交到银行进行议付。 ;Letter-10(5): Allowing days of grace ;;on one’s behalf or on behalf of sb. 代表某人, 代替某人 Our contract is concluded on FOB basis, but we can offer to book the shipping space on your behalf. 我们的合同是在离岸价格的基础上达成的,但是我们可以代你们定舱位。;refund v. 退还,偿还 The shipping company refunded the cost of the damaged goods. 船运公司赔偿了损坏的货物的损失。 You will have to refund us the the losses if you cancel your order. 如果你方取消订单的话,你们就要赔偿我们损失。 We will refund the goods to you if our customers are not interested. 如果我方客户不感兴趣的话,我们会把货物退还给你们。;; ;III. Examine the following English letter of credit as per the Sales Contract clauses in Chinese. Upon examination of this letter of credit, students are required to write a letter requesting the buyer to amend the letter of credit. ;III. Examine the following English letter of credit as per the Sales Contract clauses in Chinese. Upon examination of this letter of credit, students are required to write a letter requesting the buyer to amend th


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