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2012年文登考研英语 高级钻石卡和VIP辅导系列;Outline;Irregular Illegal Malfunction Maltreat Unimportant Disagree Non-manned Impossible Inability Inaccurate Inborn ;Un-: not Undiminished Unhappy Uncomfortable Unwelcome Unfriendly Unconditional Unlimited Unofficial Unjust ;Subcommittee;Com- Combine Commit Communal Community Communications Comrade ;2494 commit 5 0.0042 % 7200 commits 1 0.0008 % 2969 committed 4 0.0033 % 6980 committing 1 0.0008 % 1379 committee 10 0.0083 % 7000 commitment 1 0.0008 % 6887 commitments 1 0.0008 %;Commit ;Commit ;4.自杀 5.保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) 6.(公开地)表示意见,作出决定(以致日后难以更改) 7.忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等) 8.花(钱或时间);9.(下令)把(某人)送进(医院或监狱等) 10.把(某人)送交法院受审 11.把…学好记牢 12.把…记(或写)下来 13.付诸;藏于 ;14.监禁,把…交付看管;下狱;判处(徒刑等) The judge committed him to prison. 法官判他入狱。 15.使承担义务;使做出保证;许诺 Dont commit your promises to paper if you are not certain you keep them. 如果你没有把握兑现你的许诺,你就不要做出书面保证。;16.指定…用于;调拨,调配…供使用 They committed more than three divisions to the operations. 他们调了三个多师参加这次战役。 ;They are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job. 他们正在找一个对这一工作有献身精神的人。 ;Mit- Admit Permit Submit Dismiss Emit Intermit You should intermit work formerly. Transmit Insects can transmit diseases.;Employee Payee Expellee Interviewee Refugee;successful;Cess=ceed=cede: go Supersede Exceed Access Process Retrocession 1395 excessive 10 0.0083 % 3072 excess 4 0.0033 % 5023 excessively 2 0.0017 %;Excess 1.超重的, 过量的; 额外的, 超额的, 附加的, 过度的 Youll have to pay excess postal charges on this letter. 这封信你必须付超重邮资。 超过, 过多之量 An excess of fat in ones diet can lead to heart disease. 饮食中脂肪过量能导致心脏病。 ;Excessive ;Ful: full of Cheerful Wonderful Peaceful Hateful Hopeful Helpful;做翻译的心态;翻译词类转译之练习;名代数 形副动 介冠连叹;1、词类转换译法 Conversion of Word Classes;② 形容词派生的名词,往往可以转译为形容词。 例:The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。 Her cheeks have a sickly pallor. ;Pallid Adj (of a pe


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