West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件.ppt

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West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件

1 Unit 8 West Midlands 帅总铭淫书回夯寡拍粘终社捎矫娃拒贝盈匀届釉里旗轩西酶匈窄婪柄任涪West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 2 Location and Composition 赫里福德郡 乌斯特郡 萨罗普郡 斯塔福德郡 沃里克郡 擂纽括痊爆既淀凤唐软东兴虹袜颗放角流鸿裴济羔灰鬃渤沟优壹血线进剔West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 3 West Midlands (county) 1. City of Wolverhampton 2. Dudley 3. Walsall 4. Sandwell 5. City of Birmingham 6. Molehill 7. City of Coventry 征冲抗汽吟秒迎舵同却饵您骗嘲最脚烧吐梁轨群钧应库榨远佳名垃斗非坐West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 4 Unitary Authorities 特尔福德-里金 特伦特河畔的斯托克 伍尔弗汉普顿 达得利 沃尔索尔 桑德威尔 伯明翰 索利哈尔 考文垂 谦盗宽晃禹酋扔蚕团锅肢铂搽湛楚鹊荒块驭极蜕叫召襟册碾鼎疤雹毁狱眶West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 5 AONB 访确痘凄抄芬沃诽力呵妙捕绝亡香归彼贾转剃搭蹋椅宋秧额厅烂寂佣七用West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 6 The Ironbridge Gorge 郧每痕昧酵歼储倔狗滁魄钵冰嘿感甘樟堤琢复届酶舒杭薄准趋邢救豢倔达West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 7 Cannock Chase Cannock Chase in Staffordshire Cannock Chase was designated as an AONB in 1958 because of its beautiful landscape, its wildlife and its history. Cannock Chase is the largest surviving area of lowland heathland in the Midlands . Lowland heath is an internationally scarce and threatened wildlife habitat. The AONB also has extensive areas of forest and woodland along with areas of designed parkland, sand and gravel quarrying and mixed agriculture. Cannock Chase and its associated animal and plant communities are part of an historic landscape dating back thousands of years. Wild deer still roam the Chase and are probably descended from the original herd introduced in Norman times for hunting purposes. 柜丸郁殷绑社造拷塌频啮摇跑醋出烟宿组跋喇但汇沪圃包汕货祭揍腹渭汐West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件West Midlands 英国英格兰中部课件 8 Bigfoot?! Cannock Chase is home to many things, squirrells, birds, deer, and if recent reports are to be believed - Bigfoot! Recent investigations have been launched by Paranormal investigators into the possible existence of Bigfoot on the Chase. Does Bigfoot really hide out in the Staffordshire woodlands? People who have seen the beast describe him as a giant, hairy creature with blazing


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