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九年级英语第一学期期末考试仿真模拟试卷 所有选择题一律涂卡,用2B涂卡笔正确填涂,其余各题一律做在答题纸上! 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 (?? )1.Oh, the milk ______strange. ???? A. tastes? B.tasted? C.is tasting? D. taste?? (?? )2.Amy is _________in English. ???? A.interesting? B.interested? C.interest??? D.interests (?? )3.Most of us will spend most time _____lessons. A. study? B.to study?? C.studying??? D.studied (?? )4.____his surprise, she passed the exam. ??? A. At???? B. To????? C. In?????? D.with (?? )5. I’d like to find __________ to read on the journey and __________ will do. A.something; anything??????????????????????? B.something; everything C.anything; everything??????????????????????? D.anything; anything (?? )6. —How can we become good at playing basketball ? — ____ practicing it as much as possible. A. By???????? B. With?????? C.Through?????? D. From? (?? )7.—I’d like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know ________ ?? —Sorry, I don’t know her address, either. A. where does she live????????? B. who she lives with C. where she lives?????????????? D. who does she lives with (?? )8. There __________a pool in the park, but now it is gone. A. used to have??????????????? B. used to be C. will be???????????????????? D. must be (?? )9.—Let’s go climbing, shall we ? — You _______ be joking ! Don’t you know I’m afraid of high places ? A. can?????????? B. should????????? C. might??????????? D. must (?? )10. —Mom, I _________ as the president of Students Union in my school . ????? —Congratulations ! I’m so proud of you . A. chosen???????? B. chose?????????? C. was chosen?????? D. choose (?? )11.—What do you usually have for________breakfast? —A piece of bread and________egg.? A. a;an? B. 不填;the ?C. a;the? D.不填;an (?? )12. —We’ll study in different colleges next term. Enjoy your time in the new school. — ___________ . A. The same to you !??????????????B. Me too.? C. Good luck !?????????????????????? D. I’ll take your advice. (?? )13. _____ Mary _____ J


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