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Learning objectives Knowledge objective(知识目标): (1)学习掌握描写某地特征的形容词及相关词汇。 (2)核心句型预览: ① The clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets. ② The clerk suggests they go to the computer museum. ③ Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat ? Ability objective(能力目标):能从听力材料中提取所需信息完成相关任务,学会礼貌地询问信息。 Moral objective(情感目标):能够礼貌地与他人沟通,主动为他人提供帮助,养成乐于助人的良好品质。 Present the answers as quickly as possible. * Section B(1a---1e) Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 李红 东平县东原实验学校 预习,我的学习我做主 展示,我的舞台我自信 Look at the following pictures. What qualities are important for each place? restroom clean park beautiful clean mall inexpensive convenient safe museum interesting quiet restaurant delicious, clean subway uncrowded clean Match the adjectives with their opposites. (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ) 1. crowded A. safe 2. dangerous B. inexpensive 3. dirty C. big 4. expensive D. beautiful 5. small E. clean 6. ugly F. uncrowded Talk about the places in your city, using the words above. A: The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting. B: Yes, and it’s beautiful, too. A: The People’s Park in the middle of our city is really beautiful. B: Yes, and it’s interesting, too. A: The food of the restaurant near our school is really delicious. B: Yes, and it’s inexpensive, too. A: There are many books and magazines in the city library. B: Yes, and it’s clean and quiet, too. 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the wo


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