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人教版新目标(新)8下U3sectionA 3a-4c

neither 用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。例如: He?answered?neither?of?the?letters.? 他两封信都没回。 — Which?one?would?you?like?? 你喜欢哪一个? — Neither.? 两个都不喜欢。? 1. also 是比较正式的用语,语气较庄重。它通常放在句中,位于行为动词之前,连系动词之后; 如有助动词或情态动词,一般放在助动词或情态动词之后。例如: Peter also has two brothers. 彼得也有两个兄弟。 I am also a student. 我也是一名学生。 Mrs. Green can also sing the song in Chinese. 格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌。 2. too 是普通用词,多用于口语,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句末。例如: I’m in Row 1, too. 我也在第一排。 注意:also和too一般都用于肯定句,很 少用于否定句。 3. either 表示“也”时,一般只用于否定 句,且置于句末。例如: I don’t know him. Tom doesn’t know him, either. 我不认识他,汤姆也不认识他。 If you don’t go there, he won’t go there, either. 如果你不去那儿,他也不会去那儿。 注意:either 本身没有否定的意义。所以多与 not 连用。 4. neither 表示“两个都不”,它作主语 时,谓语动词常用单数。例如: Neither of you can do it. 你们两个都不能做这件事。 1. New vocabulary last month, come over take the dog for a walk, watch one show all the time, the next day, neither did I 2. Important sentences The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. For one week, she did not do any housework, and neither did I. I’m just as tired as you are! 1. List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know. (必做) 2. Make a conversation between you and your mother, using the sentence pattern “Could you please …? Could I …?” (选做) take out the trash do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner clean the living room make the bed fold the clothes A: What kind of chores did you do last weekend? B: I did some chores. I … . 3a. Read the story and answer the questions. 1. Did Nancy do any housework that day? 2. Why was Nancy’s mom angry with her? 3. Did they solve the problem? How? No, she didn’t. Because she didn’t do any housework. Yes, they did. They need to share the housework. 3b. Read the story again and read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing. 1. Neither of us did


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