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practical convention and exhibition english; exhibition invitation 招展; section1:main contentssamples of the exhibition invitation letter ;general information about MICE ;;Participation way参展办法 ;classification of exhibition ;Lead-in Questions;What kinds of people are involved;Why exhibit ?;Why visit ?;;;What are the benefits to the city? ;Glossary -- Types of exhibition ;费用 布展 参展申请表 撤展 额外收费 汇款 可以提供的 联系人 秘书处 偏好 ;;;标准展位 – standard booth ;;岛型展位 – island booth ;道边摊位– linear booth ; in-line booth ; corner booth 角落摊位;三面开口型摊位 end-cap booth;Expressions for Fairs;;8. exhibition: 展览会 9. exhibitor manual: 参展商手册 10. exhibitor: 参展商 11. exposition manager: 展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。;;Booth Reservation 预定展位;一、 展位预订基本应对 1. 我想报名 I’d like to sign up. 2.我可以帮您在电话里注册。 I may register you on the phone. 3.我建议您现在就用信用卡预订,否则我们无法保证您的摊位。 I would suggest you make a reservation with your credit card now, otherwise we can’t guarantee your booth. 4. 我再确认一下您的预订 Let me confirm your reservation. ;;二、询问客人对展位的偏好 1. Which one would you like? 您喜欢哪一种摊位? 2. Let me check it for you. 我帮您查一查。 3. Do you have any corner booth? 你们有角落摊位吗? 4. Do you have any raw space in the center? 你们有(展区)中心的光地吗? 5. Do you have any end-cap booth? 你们有三面开口的摊位吗? 6. An in-line booth will be fine. 我要一个道边摊位就行了。 7. May I know the location? 我能不能知道(摊位的)位置? 8. We’ll send you a layout of the exhibition hall, and mark the available booth on it. 我们可以给您发一份展厅的布局图,并且把可预订的摊位标出来。;三、当客人想要的展位预定已满 1. I’m afraid all…booths have been booked up. Will…be alright? 恐怕所有的…摊位都已经被订满了。…的摊位怎么样? 2. I’m afraid we’re fully booked. 恐怕我们已经预订满了。 3. We still have some…booths available. 我们还有一些…摊位。 ;四、取消展位 1. Cancellation will only be accepted in writing before the stipulated deadline. 取消展位必须于截至日期前以书面形式提出。 2. All cancelled orders will be subject to a 30% cancellation charge. 所取消的申请需缴付30%作取消手续费用。 3. A written notification by the exhibitor is demanded for cancellation of exhibition space. 参展企业若取消参展或削减展出面积,应以出面形式通知(主


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