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供应链 Chap006

Successes and Failures Notable Failures F P Notable Successes A Hybrid of successes and failures Cisco $2.2B inventory write-off in 2001 Has been successful in leveraging the internet subsequently E-Business E-business(电子业务): a collection of business models and processes motivated by Internet technology and focusing on improvement of extended enterprise performance. E-commerce(电子商务): ability to perform major commerce transactions electronically. Key Observations e-commerce is only part of e-business. Internet technology is the force behind the business change. Focus on the extended enterprise Business-to-consumer (B2C) “direct to customer,” Retail activities over the Internet, and includes products, insurance, banking, and so forth. Business-to-business (B2B) Conducted over the Internet predominantly between businesses. Includes: electronic sourcing (the so-called e-Sourcing) ;/ reverse auctions(逆向拍卖,single buyer,lots of sellers) collaboration with suppliers and vendors to achieve common goals. Grocery Industry Typical supermarket employs a push-based strategy Peapod was built on pure pull strategy with no inventory and no facilities. Significant service problems with high stockout rates Changed to a push–pull strategy by setting up a number of warehouses Warehouse covers a large geographical area Aggregated demand Other challenges: Reducing transportation costs Short response time Low customer density Products have low demand uncertainty high economies of scale in transportation cost push-based strategy is more appropriate. Book Industry Initial model of A a pure pull system with no warehouses and no stock. Ingram Book Group supplied most of Amazon’s customer demand. As volume and demand increased: A’s service level was affected by Ingram Book’s distribution capacity Using Ingram Book in the first few years allowed A to avoid inventory costs but significantly reduced profit margins. As demand increased distributor no longer required. Current A:


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