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甘 肃 中 医 学 院 教 案 授课教师(职称、学位): 杨 璟 讲师 主讲教师(职称、学位): 系 部、教 研 室: 外 语 系 课 程 名 称: 大 学 英 语 课 程 类 别: 必 修 授 课 学 期: 2013-2014学年第一学期 授 课 班 级: 中草药栽培与鉴定 总 学 时: 64 教 材 版 本: 《全新版大学英语综合教程》 章节名称 课 时 授课时间 授课地点 教学目标与 要求 1.?Practice reading strategies such as scanning, skimming etc. 2.Understand the two texts and grasp the main idea the related information. 3.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;?? 4.?know how to write a letter????????? 5.Have a critical thinking on “Growing up” 重点 难点分析 How to have students 1. grasp the main idea and structure of Text A; 2.appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A; 3.master the key language points and learn how to use them in context; 4.understand the cultural background related to the content; 5.express themselves more freely on the theme of Growing Up after doing a series of theme related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities; write a letter of congratulations in an appropriate way. 课程资源准备 Electronic Teaching Plan Mp3 Plyer Teachers’ Manual Oxford Dictionary 教 学 预 设 调控对策 1st period: Step 1 Warming up Have students listen to the song Beautiful Boy and ask them to do After listening exercises. Have Ss look at the title of Text A and find out in which paragraph a similar phrase appears(Para.5). They should then explain in their own words what the author means by “write for myself.” Step 2 Global analysis of Text A Organization of the text: The story develops basically in chronological sequence. The teacher may have Ss scan Text A and find out all the time words, phrases and clauses(since my childhood in Belleville, until my third year in high school, late in the year, until the night before the essay was due, when I finished, next morning, two days pass


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