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中国电机工程学会2016 年年会论文集 ±1100kV直流U 型结构穿墙套管空气间隙放 电特性及间隙距离选择 罗晓庆,胡伟,徐涛,许佐明,谢雄杰,霍锋 中国电力科学研究院电网环境保护国家重点实验室,武汉市430074 Air Gap Flashover Characteristics and Selection of Gap Distances for ±1100kV DC U-shaped Wall Bushing LUO Xiao-qing, HU Wei, XU Tao, XU Zuo-ming, XIE Xiong-jie, HUO Fe ng State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection, China Electric Power Research Institute,Wuhan 430074, China ABSTRACT: The ±1100kV DC U-shaped wall bushing 特性,本文采用均压环和钢架试品模拟±1100kV 直流 U has good mechanical properties, better economy and is more 型结构穿墙套管端部均压环对墙和对地电气绝缘间隙开 convenient for installation. However, the distance between 展了环对墙不同间隙距离、不同对地高度以及典型配置 grading rings on the ends of the U-shaped wall bushing and 综合间隙操作冲击放电特性试验研究,获得了模拟 wall is approximate to the distance between grading rings ±1100kVU 型穿墙套管电气间隙的操作冲击放电特性参 and ground. In other words, there is a combined gap issue for 数,并结合系统操作过电压水平提出了±1100kV 直流 U the U-shaped wall bushing, which will reduce the flashover 型结构穿墙套管最小安全间隙推荐值,在海拔 0m 、 voltage of air gap. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of 500m 、1000m 的条件下,最小安全间隙配置取为 ±1100kV DC U-shaped wall bushing, the air gap flashover 12.1m/12.4m、12.6m/12.9m 和12.8m/13.1m (对阀厅墙体/ characteristics of the bushing was experimentally studied by 对地)。 using the real size grading rings and a simulation wall. 关键词:±1100kV ;直流穿墙套管;综合空气间隙;操作 Switching impulse flashover voltage tests in different 冲击;放电特性; condition, including different distance from ends grading rings to the wall, different distance from ends grading rings 0 引言 to ground and the combined gap were presented in this paper. Taking insulation coord



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