六年级上册Unit 1-A ways to go to school.ppt

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六年级上册Unit 1-A ways to go to school

WORDS: foot , bike , bus , train , plane , ship , subway, how , by , go to school SENTENCE: How do you go to … I go to …by… Revision A: How do you go to …? B: I go to … ____________ . Match bike train bus subway plane ship WORDS: foot , bike , bus , train , plane , ship , subway, how , by , go to school SENTENCE: How do you go to … I go to …by… Revision How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? 此处的how用于询问方式,如果主语为第三人称单数时,助动词要用does。如: — How does your mother go to work? — She goes to work by bus. 判断下列句子对错,并指出错在哪里: Daming usually goes to school by a bike. I go often home on foot. My brother takes a car to work every day. How do your sister come here? × × × 【改错题讲解】 1. 表示乘坐某种交通工具时,在介词by后面直接加上这种交通工具的名称,不需要加其他任何词; 2. Often等副词应该放在动词的前面; 3. take + a +(交通工具名称)也可以表示乘坐某种交通工具; 4. 当主语为单数第三人称时,助动词要用does。 Ask your classmates with “how you go to shool/Canada/the USA”? Do a survey. Name on foot by bike by bus by train by subway by ship by plane Miss lin father mother sister brother Homework: 连词成句。 1. to Park How can get Zhongshan ______________________________________ 2. by can bus you No.15 go the ______________________________________ 3. the post do office go How to you _______________________________________ 4. train I go usually by ——————————————————— 5. a, light red, at ,stop. __________________________________________ 连词成句。 1. to Park How can get Zhongshan _____________________________________ 2. by can bus you No.15 go the ______________________________________ 3. the post do office go How to you _______________________________________ 4. train I go usually by ——————————————————— How can get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. How do you go to the post office? I usually go by train. 根据下列5幅图片的顺序,给下列句子正确排序。      ( 2 ) I am going to the bookstore on foot . ( 4 ) I am


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