冀教版九年级英语下Lesson 37 The Fox and the Stork.ppt

冀教版九年级英语下Lesson 37 The Fox and the Stork.ppt

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冀教版九年级英语下Lesson 37 The Fox and the Stork

Look and talk 伊索,公元前6世纪希腊寓言家。据历史学家记载,他原是萨摩斯岛雅德蒙家的奴隶,曾被转卖多次,但因为富有智慧,聪颖过人,最后获得自由。成为自由人后,伊索四处漫游,为人们讲述寓言故事,深受古希腊人民的喜爱。公元前5世纪末,“伊索”这个名字已为古希腊人所熟知,古希腊寓言开始都归在他的名下。现在常见的《伊索寓言》是后人根据拜占廷僧侣普拉努得斯搜集的寓言以及后来陆续发现的古希腊寓言传抄本编订的。 Think about questions: 1.Do you know any stories with animals as characters? 2.Do you know Aesop ? 3.What foods do the stork and the fox struggle to eat ? Listen and answer the questions 1.Who did the fox meet one day? 2.Did the 2stork enjoy her food ? 3.what did the stork do then ? 4.Where does the story come from ? Look at the picture Look at the picture Exercises:Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese given 1.He (把…..看作)me as the best friend. 2.You must (认识到)the important of English . 3.I can ( 几乎不)recognize him. 4.I want you to (答应)me one thing. 5.You look (苗条)than before. Make sentenses using the words in this text 1.the fox and the stork 2. come from 3.by Aesop 4.be different from 5.It`s very kind of you . 6.too …to… 7.regard …as … 8.help each other (1)To collect some sayings about animals. (2)Translate an animal story into English, or a passage of it. * * Lesson 37 The fox and the Stork Aesop regarded realise hardly thinner promise


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