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Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs Vocabulary double-两倍的, 双重的 -a double bed; a double room 双人床;双人房间 -speak with a double tongue 说话口是心非 -triple 三倍的 manual -手工的, 体力的 --manual skill. 手工技术--a manual worker 体力劳动者 Mental work, mental labour (脑力劳动) ---manual n.手册 --a manual for students 学生手册 frequently--adv. 常常, 频繁地 --frequent--adj. 时常发生的,频繁的, 经常的, 常见的frequent caller [visitor] 常客 refer-v.提交, 谈及, --The Royal Navy is referred to as the Senior Service.皇家海军被称为Senior Service 依据:求助;查询 --refer to a dictionary. 查字典 collar-n.上衣领 --White collar, blue collar, gray collar, golden collar sacrifice...for [to] 为...而牺牲…, 牺牲...而换得... --He sacrificed his life to save the drowning child. 他为拯救落水的孩子而献出自已的生命。 --He sacrificed his life for the drowning child. --make sacrifices [a sacrifice] to为...作出牺牲 privilege-特权, 特别待遇 --grant sb. the privilege of doing sth. 赋予某人做某事的特权 curious-新奇的,古怪的 a curious fact.奇怪的事实 --好奇的 she is curious about everything. --curiosity n. 好奇心 dustman-n.清洁工 corporation-n.公司, 企业 --General Motor Corporation 通用汽车公司 embarrass-v.使困窘, 使局促不安 --Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child. 遇见大人使这个害羞的孩子很困窘 --I was embarrassed by their compliment. 对他们的称赞我感到很不安。 overalls-n 宽松的裤子,工装裤 --adj.全部的, 全面的 the overall costs of medical care.医疗保健的总花销 shower n. 阵雨, 淋浴 --take a shower 淋浴 bath-n. 洗澡; 沐浴 a sand bath 沙浴 discover-v. 发现 discovery-n. status-n. 身份, 地位 social status 社会地位 Text Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. Human nature is such that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. Such is life. 生活就是这样。人生不过如此! Such being the case,we can begin the next lesson. 情况既然如此,… This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation. --


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