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可调的直流稳压电源电路 所在学院:信控学院 专业班级:电子1301 组号:第九组 组员:王新健 吕冰 潘庆耀 可调的直流稳压电源电路(11题) 目录 摘要···························3 1.设计任务及要求·····················4 2.系统方案························4 3.理论分析与计算·····················9 4.电路设计·······················11 5.组合硬件电路的调试及改进···············11 6.设计心得体会·····················17 7.参考文献························12 8.附件1:LM317详细资料·················13 9.附件2:系统总体电路连接图···············14 10.附件3:仿真结果···················15 摘要:Abstract: the power can be divided into ac power and dc power supply, it is indispensable to any electronic equipment components. Ac power generally is 220 v, 50 hz power supply, but many household electrical appliances circuit inside the dc power supply are used as the power supply energy, such as radio, TV, with the microprocessor control of home appliance equipment is inseparable from the power supply. Dc power is divided into two kinds: one kind is can directly supply dc current or voltage, such as batteries, battery, solar cells, silicon photocell, biological cells, etc., this paper does not make specific; Another kind is the alternating current into the stability of the dc current or voltage, this type of transform circuit are collectively referred to as dc regulated power supply. Now used in most electronic devices, dc regulated power supply must be used to make almost all its normal work, and the most common is to convert ac power grid voltage to a stable dc voltage of the dc power supply, dc regulated power supply is plays a main role in the electronic equipment, provide guarantee for equipment can stable work. 220 v, 50 hz ac power in one direction after power transformer step-down, again through rectifier filter can obtain small power low voltage dc power supply. However, due to the power grid voltage changes can have a plus or minus 10%. Therefore must be stable dc voltage by the voltage regulator circuit after rectifying filtering and then provided to the load, the load on the dc power supply voltage level o


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