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听力60组常考短语? 一、across ? ? 1、表方位。 ? ? Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. ? ? 让我们去街对面的餐馆买些吃的。 ? ? 2、表动作,穿越。 ? ? You must go across the bridge and then turn right. ? ? 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。 ? ? 二、age ? ? 1、年龄。最一般的表达。在此不赘述。 ? ? 2、衰老。 ? ? the aging people = the old people ? ? 现代社会出现越来越严重的aging problem(人口老龄化问题)等。 ? ? 三、all ? ? 1、shake all over 浑身颤抖 ? ? 2、all of a sudden 突然地 ? ? All of a sudden, I remembered her name. 我突然想起了她的名字。 ? ? 3、by all means 一定 ? ? I’ll come by all means. 我一定会来的。 ? ? 4、all night long 整晚 ? ? My present neighbor plays piano all night long. 我现在的邻居整晚都弹钢琴。 ? ? 四、apply   这里我们详细串联一下在听力考试中涉及到的与求职相关的短语。apply for(申请),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然需要递交letter of application(求职信),只要你足够confident about yourself,就有可能获得job interview(工作面试)的机会。   是否能够give a good impression(留个好印象)给主管,那就得看你个人犄造化了。有些工作岗位会require much traveling,(要求经常出差)还有些工作,做不了多久就会希望find a way out(找到出路)。 ? ? 五、as ? ? 1、作为,当作。 ? ? I am working as his teaching assistant. ? ? 我作为他的助教进行工作。 ? ? 2、as…as 就像……一样 ? ? I’ve heard that he is as well-known as Johnson herself. ? ? 我听说他跟约翰生本人自己一样著名。 ? ? I don’t think it would be as boring as working in an office. ? ? 我并不认为这会跟在办公室工作一样枯燥。 ? ? It wasn’t as easy as I had thought. ? ? 这不像我想的那么简单。 ? ? It’s not as bad as it looks. ? ? 这并不像看上去的那么糟糕。 ? ? Is that optional course as hard as everybody says? ? ? 那个选修课真的就像每个人说的那样难吗? ? ? 3、as far as I know 据我所知 ? ? As far as I know, whether there’ll be such a trip is yet to be decided. ? ? 据我所知,是否有这么一趟旅行尚未决定。 ? ? As far as I know, he works until midnight every day. ? ? 据我所知,他每天都工作到半夜。 ? ? 4、as well 也 ? ? If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside. ? ? 如果明天温度还是这么高,我们也可能放弃到户外进行比赛的主意。 ? ? 5、as soon as 一……就,尽快 ? ? I will do that for you as soon as I have fixed the machine. ? ? 一修好机器我就会尽快为你完成那个工作。 ? ? 六、awfully ? ? 非常地,相当地。在口语中用于表程度的比例十分高。 ? ? awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉 ? ? Tom looks awfully nervous.汤姆看上去相当紧张。 ? ? I am awfully sorry. I didn’t m



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