四年级英语新版Module-9Unit1 Did he live in New-York课件.ppt

四年级英语新版Module-9Unit1 Did he live in New-York课件.ppt

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四年级英语新版Module-9Unit1 Did he live in New-York课件

* 1 泰州梅兰芳纪念馆 泰 州 望 海 楼 泰 州 大桥 水乡千岛油菜花 泰 州 溱湖 会船 节 中 国 医 药 城 泰 州 火 车 站 I was on holiday in Beijing. About my holiday 在度假 Many foreigners were on holiday in Beijing. (许多国外游客到北京度假) Listen and chant Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! Did you come by train? Did you come by plane? 欢迎来到…… 你是乘飞机来的吗? Did...? 用来表示询问某人过去 所做的事情。 这是我们迎接外国友人时的欢迎 辞,而不能用于邀请他们到中国。 (编一个欢迎Ms Wang 的chant吧) Make a new chant Welcome to ______(省) ! Welcome to ______(县) ! Did you come ______ ? Did you come ______ ? Gansu Tianzhu by… on foot 创编chant时要注意句尾尽可能押韵哦! by on foot (小组合作编chant) (编一个欢迎Ms Wang 的chant吧) Read the chant Welcome to ______ ! Welcome to ______ ! Did you come ______ ? Did you come ______ ? Gansu Tianzhu by… on foot 你体会到句子的韵脚了吗? My new chant Thank you, dear girls! Thank you, dear boys! I came by plane, and also came by bus. 机票 图片 亲爱的 come的过去式 Dalongs holiday Dear Daming Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week. Dalong Lets learn 明信片 It’s a postcard from my cousin Dalong. Think and choose Damings cousin Dalong A. Damings mothers son B. Damings aunts son B. Damings aunts son 表(堂)兄弟 Sam wants to know... Listen, point and find (听对话,用“ ”划出Sam的问句,和同桌校对。) 2 Did he live in New York last year? 1 Does he live in New York? 3 Did he travel by plane? 旅行 Lets report (说出Sam的问句) Cities in the US New York:纽约。美国最大的城市,昵称“大苹果”,自由女神像是纽约的标志性雕像。 2 Did he live in New York last year? 1 Does he live in New York? 3 Did he travel by plane? Read, point and find (读对话,用“~~~~”划出相应的答句,和同桌校对。) No, he lives in San Francisco. Cities in the US San Francisco San Francisco:旧金山。最受美国人欢迎的城市,金门大桥是旧金山的标志性建筑。 2 Did he live in New York last year? 1 Does he live in New York? 3 Did he travel by plane? Read, point and find (读对话,用“~~~~”划出相应的答句,和同桌校对。) No, he lives in San Francisco. No, he didnt. He lived in Washington DC. Cities in the US Washington DC Washington DC:华盛顿


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