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摘 要 国民经济的快速发展使我国房地产行业获得了长足的发展,过快的发展速度以及信息化能力方面的先天不足使得房地产企业无法将所拥有的客户资源进行整合、挖掘,突破企业发展的瓶颈。客户关系管理系统可以有效地解决这一瓶颈问题,帮助企业保留已有客户招徕新客户,提高新旧客户的满意度,进而为企业的发展提供源源不断的动力。 本设计是以****地产项目为例,主要讨论房地产项目的信息化工作,实现对房地产项目资源的科学管理。通过客户关系管理系统来实现房地产项目日常业务的信息化以及资源的管理,从而进行标准化与规范化管理。本设计对系统的开发采用结构化生命周期法,其中,主要对销售管理和客户服务模块的业务流程及数据流程进行了分析。 关键词:客户关系管理;房地产;结构化生命周期法;系统分析设计 ABSTRACT The rapid development of national economy makes the real estate industry in our country obtained great development, the rapid development of congenital deficiency of speed, and the information ability makes the real estate enterprises have to integrate customer resources, mining, breakthrough the bottleneck of enterprise development. Customer relationship management system can effectively solve the bottleneck problem, and help enterprises to retain existing customers to attract new customers, new and old customers satisfaction, thus to provide a steady stream of power for enterprise development. This design is **** real estate project as an example, to focus on the informatization of real estate project, realize the scientific management of real estate project resources. Through customer relationship management (CRM) system to realize information and resource of the daily business of real estate project management, so as to standardize and standardized management. The design of the system development using the structured life cycle method, among them, the major business processes of the sales management and customer service module and data process are analyzed. Key words:customer relationship management (CRM);Real estate;Structured life cycle method;System analysis and design 摘 要 I ABSTRACT I 1 绪论 1 1.1系统开发背景 1 1.2 国内外有关的研究动态 2 2 系统规划 3 2.1 ****地产项目公司概况 3 2.2客户关系管理系统总目标 5 2.3管理功能分析 5 2.4系统的开发方法 6 2.5体系结构选择 6 2.6 系统的可行性分析 7 3 系统分析 8 3.1 管理功能图细分 8 3.2 业务流程分析 9 3.3 数据流程分析 12 3.4 数据字典 19 3.5 数据立即存储图 22 4 系统设计 24 4.1 功能结构图 24 4.2 代码设计 25 5 数据库设计 26 5.1 概念模型设计 26 5.2 逻辑模型设计 27 5.3 物理设计 27 5.4 数据库实现 29 6系统实施 30 6.



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