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基于安全XML的信息查询系统 摘要:随着Internet迅速的发展,传统的HTML数据交换方式已经不能满足日益增长的数据交换的需求, XML具有自描述、开放、易扩展等突出的特性,已成为Web数据组织和交换的标准。在XML成为Web应用中广泛使用的编码方式时,许多针对XML安全性的研究工作也开展了起来,目前W3C负责XML安全标准的开发。XML安全标准为XML文件的加密与签名提供了粒度控制能力,使得加密与签名有了新的形式。本文在基于B/S的三层体系结构上,开发基于XML的信息查询系统。并采用安全XML技术代替传统的HTML技术实现表示层和逻辑层之间的数据传输。安全、方便、通用是本系统区别于普通信息查询系统所不具有的显著特点。 关键字:信息安全,XML,XML加密,XML查询系统,PHP Information Query System Based on Security XML Author: Ma Jianhao Instruct of teacher: Yu Shuhao Abstract: With the vigorous development of Internet, the traditional data-exchanging manner of HTML can not meet the need of increasing data. Being a very promising data-exchanging manner on Internet, which has some important properties such as self-describe, opening, expansibility; etc,will become virtual exchange standard on Web. When the XML comes to be a widespread data encoding format of Web application, many research about the security of XML are developed. Nowthe W3C manage the standards of XML security specification.The XML secutity specification proved the ability of element-control, its make a new style of encryption and sign. The XML-based information the main body of a book is developed on B/S-based three layers of system structure, inquires about system. And adopt the safe XML technology to replace the tradition HTML technology to realize the presentation layer and the logic data transmission between the tier. Safe , going to the lavatory , being applied or used universally is that the system difference inquires about notable characteristic not had by system in average information. Keywords: Information Security, XML, XML Encryption, XML Query System, PHP 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究现状 2 1.3 研究的理论和实际意义 2 1.4 本文主要研究内容 2 第2章 XML与Web技术研究 4 2.1 XML 基础知识 4 2.1.1 XML简介 4 2.1.2 DTD 4 2.1.3 本节小结 7 2.2 XML加密简介 8 2.2.1 对称密钥算法 8 2.2.2 公开密钥算法 9 2.2.3 选择加密算法 10 2.2.4 XML文档加密实现 10 2.2.5 本节小结 12 2.3. Web服务技术 13 2.3.1 Web服务概述 13 2.3.2 Web服务的工作原理 13 2.3.3 Web编程语言PHP简介 14 2.3.4 本节小结 14 第3章 系统分析与设计 15 3.1 系统介绍 15 3.1.1 功能介绍 15


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