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* The Fifth Generation of Computing (after Mainframe, Personal Computer,Client-Server Computing, and the web) * 尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas G. Carr)的新书《IT不再重要:互联网大转换的制高点--云计算》,这本书的原名是 《巨大的转变: 从爱迪生到谷歌,为世界重新布线》(The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google),书中提出了IT将向公用计算模式转变的趋势。这本书可以说是2003年5月尼古拉斯.卡尔在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)发表的题为《IT Doesn’t Matter》的文章的详细阐释。在那篇文章里,他掀起了一场轩然大波,一场质疑IT价值、触及整个IT业命运的世纪论战由此开火。 ????????? 作为《哈佛商业评论》前编辑的尼古拉斯·卡尔,因其《IT不再重要》(IT Doesn’t Matter)一文而名噪天下。在这本书中,尼古拉斯.卡尔认为,我们现在正处于计算性质出现根本转变的早期阶段,即从个人和公司需要通过自己的机器和自己安装软件在本地提供计算,变成这样的公用模式: 许多计算功能由大型中央站即大型中央公用计算公司通过网络来提供。这就好比100年前机械动力出现的一幕,当时电力公用事业公司改变了这种资源的性质以及公司和个人使用及获取电力的方式。 * 维基百科从用户的角度定义云计算: 云计算(Cloud Computing)是一种以服务方式提供给用户的计算机能力,允许用户在不了解提供服务的技术、没有相关知识以及设备管理能力的情况下,通过因特网获取需要的服务。 * As cloud computing platforms proliferate, developers have more and more choices to build and run all of their apps. Different cloud computing platforms serve different types of applications. Facebook provides a platform for building consumer social applications. Amazon and Google offer general purpose web application platform with Amazon having a focus on CPU storage-intensive applications. F is cloud computing for the enterprise. Our cloud computing platform is 100% focused on delivering on the specific requirements for enterprise business applications. The sweet spot for F are applications that store structured, relational data, implement business logic with Workflow rules, approval processes and/or custom code, use forms based data entry, use Web browser or mobile device clients, can integrate with other applications, can scale up/down from a few to thousands of users, need sub second response time, are available 99.9% of the time, require authenticated, highly secured access and may need built in reporting/analytics. To this end, the includes a rich set of infrastructure, application and operational services to meet the needs of the world’s most sophisticated and security-conscious enterprises. * * 2


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