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Xing Zhijie 大英博物馆又名不列颠博物馆,位于布卢姆斯伯里区伦敦?,展现了人类的历史?,?艺术和文化,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的世界四大博物馆之一。英国国家博物馆拥有藏品800多万件。记录了人类从古至今的文化发展里程。但其中大多数藏品都是从中国等国家掠夺而来。 The British Museum is dedicated to human history, art and culture, and is located in the Bloomsbury area of London. Its permanent collection, numbering some 8 million works, is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence and originates from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present. But most of the collections are looted from other countries. 1856年到1932年间,多个所谓的“西方探险家”以科学考察为名深入中国西北地区达60多次,每次都掠走大量的文献文物。其中,尤以1907年匈牙利人斯坦因和法国人伯希在敦煌藏经洞劫掠的文物最多。 From 1856 to 1932, a number of so-called Western explorers in the name of scientific investigation into the northwest region of China reached more than 60 times, every time they take a large amount of literature and cultural relics. 博物馆在开放后通过英国人在各地的各种“战争中掠夺得来”攫取了大批珍贵藏品。博物馆专门用于展览亚洲艺术的是33陈列室,全面展示了中国,印度次大陆和东南亚的文明。总文物达到十多万件。其中,中国陈列室(中国馆)就占了好几个大厅,中国文物被大英博物馆视作最重要的收藏之一,总数多达23000余件,珍品如山。 33室 - 南亚部分 The principal gallery devoted to Asian art in the museum is Gallery 33 with its comprehensive display of Chinese, Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asian objects. Total cultural relics reached about one hundred thousand. China Showroom (China Pavilion) accounted for a number of halls, Chinese relics, up to a total of more than 23,000 pieces of treasures , is regarded as one of the most important collections. Key highlights of the collections include:? An outstanding collection of Chinese antiquities, paintings, and porcelain(瓷器), lacquer(漆器), bronze(青铜器), jade(玉器), and other applied arts. Room 33 – China section of the gallery Room 95 – The Sir?Percival David?collection of Chinese ceramics 《女史箴图》1900年,八国联军攻入北京,被英国军队劫去,是大英博物馆的镇馆之宝。 The famous?Admonitions Scroll?by Chinese artist?Gu Kaizhi?, (344–406 AD) ,in 1900, the Eight-Nation Alliance forces invaded Beijing, and British army robbed it, and it is one of the


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