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饮料 Drinking 1. I’d like to have French red wine. 我想喝法国红酒。 2. May I have a bottle of mineral water? 请给我一杯矿泉水好吗? 3. Which do you like better, coffee or tea? 咖啡和茶,你更喜欢哪样? 4. How do you drink shisky? 你一般怎么喝威士忌? 5. I’ll have a glass of apple juice. 我要杯苹果汁。 6. What’s in a Collins? 柯林斯鸡尾酒里有什么? 7. I don’t like Gin. 我不喜欢杜松子酒。 8. You can try Tieguanyin, or oolong tea. 你可以试一下铁观音或乌龙茶。 9. How about some chrysanthemum tea or fruit tea? 菊花茶或水果茶怎么样? 10. Do you give refills for your coffee? 咖啡可以续杯吗? 11. Our espresso is very strong. 我们的浓咖啡味道挺重的。 12. I don’t like bitter drinks. 我不喜欢苦味的饮料。 13. How do you like your coffee? 你喝什么样的咖啡? 14. Would you like some cream or sugar with your coffee? 你的咖啡要加奶或糖吗? 15. I’d like to have a Latte without foam. 要一杯不加泡泡的拿铁咖啡。 16. This coffee is fresh-brewed. 这杯咖啡是现煮的。 17. What non-alcoholic drinks do you have? 你们有什么不含酒精的饮料? 18. We have coke, soda water, and orange juice. 我们有可乐、苏打水和橙汁。 19. I don’t prefer tonic. 我不喜欢奎宁水。 20. This is a very healthy cold drink and it’s called smoothie. 这是一种很健康的冷饮,叫做水果奶昔。 21. I don’t like concentrated juice. 我不喜欢浓缩果汁。 22. Are they all freshly squeezed? 它们是现榨的吗? 23. May I have a papaya milk, please? 我要一杯木瓜牛奶。 24. Could I have some fruit sugar for my prune juice? 我的梅子汁要加点水果糖。 25. I’ll get a large iced pearl tea. Not too sweet. 我要一杯大的冰珍珠奶茶,请不要太甜。 Conversation Dialogue 1 A: This is my first time in a tea house. 这是我第一次来茶馆。 B: What kind of tea do you like? 你喜欢哪种茶? A: I’m not sure. Could you recommend? 我也不太清楚,你推荐一些吧。 B: If you prefer the strong, you can try Tieguanyin, and if you like the sweet, how about fruit tea? 如果你喜欢浓的,可以试一下铁观音,如果你喜欢甜的,水果茶倒是不错。 A: OK. I’ll have some fruit tea. Mike, what are they doing? 好,我要水果茶。迈克,你看那边在干什么? B: Oh, they are rinsing the teapot and the teacups. This is Chinese tea art. 噢,是在冲洗茶壶和茶杯。这就是中国茶艺。 A: So marvelous! Can you teach me how to brew up Chinese tea next time? 太奇妙了!下次你可要教我泡中国菜。 Dialogue 2 A: I’m in the mood for some freshly squeezed ju


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