ms培养基的配制与灭菌(Preparation and sterilization of MS medium).doc

ms培养基的配制与灭菌(Preparation and sterilization of MS medium).doc

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ms培养基的配制与灭菌(Preparation and sterilization of MS medium)

ms培养基的配制与灭菌(Preparation and sterilization of MS medium) Preparation and sterilization of MS medium A common medium in plant tissue culture is the MS medium. The preparation of the MS medium comprises the following steps. Preparation and preservation of MS culture medium containing nearly 30 kinds of nutritional components of base liquor, in order to avoid every medium preparation should be carried out on the weighing dozens of ingredients, can be cultured in the medium of various components, according to the original amount of 20 times or 200 times respectively weighing, with concentrated liquid, this concentrated solution is called culture base liquor. In this way, each use, take the total amount of 1/20 (50 mL) or 1/200 (5 mL), dilute with water, into the culture medium. The quantities of various substances required for the preparation of the mother liquid of the culture medium are listed for use in preparation. A large number of elements (mother liquor I) mg / L NH4NO3 33000 KNO3 38000 CaCl2 2H2O 8800 MgSO4 7H2O 7400 KH2PO4 3400 Trace elements (Mother Liquor II) KI 166 H3BO3 1240 MnSO4 4H2O 4460 ZnSO4 7H2O 1720 Na2MoO4 2H2O 50 CuSO4 5H2O 5 CoCl2 6H2O 5 Iron salt (mother liquor III) FeSO4 7H2O 5560 Na2-EDTA 2H2O 7460 Organic ingredients (mother liquor IV) IV A Inositol 20000 IV B Niacin 100 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) 100 Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) 100 Glycine 400 The amount of all the nutrients mentioned above was 200 times of concentrated liquid except for mother liquor, which was 20 times concentrated liquid. Each of these mother liquids shall be individually separated into 1 L stock solution. The preparation method of mother liquor, liquor and liquor are: II IV weighing several components each in the mother liquor after respectively with distilled water to dissolve a small amount, and then they are immiscible, the final volume to 1 L. The preparation method is: Liquor III will be called FeSO4 7H2O and Na2-EDTA 2H2O respectively in 450 mL dis


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