mtk报错与分析(MTK error reporting and analysis).doc

mtk报错与分析(MTK error reporting and analysis).doc

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mtk报错与分析(MTK error reporting and analysis)

mtk报错与分析(MTK error reporting and analysis) 1. before compiling, you must close the relevant files under the project folder. The Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol LCD_CtrlWrite_S6B33B1X (referred from MiscFunctions.obj) 3., after modifying the.Mak file, you must NEW 4., such as new #include, and found that many variables together are not defined, you can move the sentence to other #include behind. 5. when the SVN system folder has a yellow exclamation mark, said the conflict, right click on the folder, select Resolved that will do The Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol DBG_PutUartStr1 (referred from keybrd.obj) This reference DBG_PutUartStr1 keybrd.c file () function, and can not find the definition of the function, the reason is remake when not contains the function definition files to compile and link, search DBG_PutUartStr1 defined in the Drv_comm.c file, the deletion of F:\Z1700 (BW1199) \Code\build\B1199\gprs\MT6223Po\drv\ Drv_comm.obj, to re compile and link PASS. When 8..SVN uploads a changed file, non ASCII characters are detected and cannot be converted from UTF-8 Log comments are not added when uploading. After adding log, you can solve them. The Fatal error: L6031U: Could not open scatter description file custom\system\MT6226_06B_BB\scatZ1204A_VICO.txt. Create a new scatZ1204A_VICO.txt in this directory The Warning: L6340W: options first and last are ignored for type link of -scattered Error:, L6218E:, Undefined, symbol, RA_Hw_Init (referred, from, ra_hw.o) Error:, L6218E:, Undefined, symbol, RA_Power_On (referred, from, ra_hw.o) ... A lot of the Undefined error, and is a module, (ry3601 module), add CUS_REL_SRC_COMP + = ry3601 in option.mak, remake OK. Plutommi\mtkapp\soundrecorder\soundrecordersrc\soundrecordersrc.c, line, 517:, Error:, C2839E:, junk, at, end, of,, #endif, line - ignored Theres one more #endif in front, OK after removing Plutommi\mmi\gpio\gpiosrc\generaldeviceinterface.c, line, 2085:, Error:, C2933E:, type, disagreement, for,PlayAndStopRuning


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