ora-03113错误分析(Ora-03113 error analysis).doc

ora-03113错误分析(Ora-03113 error analysis).doc

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ora-03113错误分析(Ora-03113 error analysis)

ora-03113错误分析(Ora-03113 error analysis) ORA-03113 error analysis Version history 2003-5-22, V0.1, Created, by, Fenng (Fenng@) Copyright notice Please refer to the author and the source Conducting Preface Conducting Every DBA in the database management process, inevitably encountered all sorts of errors (ORA-xxxx). Some wrong Because of the frequent occurrence and complicated reasons, DBA has dubbed it classic mistakes. Among them, ORA-3113, end of file On communication channel is one of these We can simply mistake this error as the Oracle client process and the database backend process connection break, but lead to this error There are many reasons for this error, improper database setting, any rows that can cause the database backend process to crash This error may occur for all. This error is often accompanied by other errors, such as ORA-1034 ORACLE Not available. In addition, the scene where the error occurs is complex and may occur in the: - the time to start Oracle; - when trying to create a database; -- when trying to connect to the database; - when the client is running SQL/PL/SQL; - backup / restore the database; - in other cases...... In the forum, you can often see the primary DBA for this problem for help Here, simply sort out the problem. Please let me know where you are wrong! ------------------------- Error reasons ------------------------- As far as the network is concerned, the wrong reasons are about these: -- Unix core parameter is improperly set -- Oracle executable file is not valid / environment variable - client communications cannot be handled properly - database server crash / OS crash / process is kill - Oracle internal error - - errors caused by specific SQL and PL/SQL Space is not enough - the firewall - other reasons Before you begin to solve the problem, do the following: 1. Remember what you did before you made a mistake. The more detailed, the better; 2, check the alertSID.log file in the background_dump_dest directory is also what yo


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