oracle 几个服务各代表什么作用(Oracle what are the roles of several services).doc

oracle 几个服务各代表什么作用(Oracle what are the roles of several services).doc

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oracle 几个服务各代表什么作用(Oracle what are the roles of several services)

oracle 几个服务各代表什么作用(Oracle what are the roles of several services) Oracle what role does each service represent?.txt Oracle what are the roles of several services? HOME_NAME - Oracle Home names, such as OraHome92, OraHome81 (1) OracleServiceSID Database service, which automatically starts and stops the database. If a database is installed, its default startup type is automatic. The service process is ORACLE.EXE, the parameter file initSID.ora, the log file SIDALRT.log, the console SVRMGRL.EXE, and the SQLPLUS.EXE. (2) OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener The listener service is only needed when the database requires remote access (whether through another host or locally through the SQL*Net) Network protocols are remote access. Without this service, you can access the local database. Its default startup type is automatic. The service process is TNSLSNR.EXE, the parameter file Listener.ora, the log file listener.log, the console LSNRCTL.EXE, and the default ports 1521 and 1526. (3) OracleHOME_NAMEAgent The OEM proxy service receives and responds to the task and event requests from the OEM console and only needs to use the OEM to manage the database. Its default startup type is automatic. The service process is DBSNMP.EXE, the parameter file snmp_rw.ora, the log file nmi.log, the console LSNRCTL.EXE, and the default port 1748. (4) OracleHOME_NAMEClientCache Name caching service cache Oracle Names data used to connect remote databases. Its default startup type is manual. Unless, however, there is a Oracle Names Server, otherwise there is no need to run this service. The service process is ONRSD.EXE, the parameter file NAMES.ORA, the log file ONRSD.LOG, and the console NAMESCTL.EXE. (5) OracleHOME_NAMECMAdmin Connection management services are used to build Connection Manager servers, and only the server acts as Connection Manager only needs it. Its default startup type is manual. The service process is CMADMIN.EXE, the parameter file CMAN.ORA, the log file CMADM_PID.TRC, the conso


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