u盘格式化时用什么文件格式好(U-formatted with what file format is good).doc

u盘格式化时用什么文件格式好(U-formatted with what file format is good).doc

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u盘格式化时用什么文件格式好(U-formatted with what file format is good)

u盘格式化时用什么文件格式好(U-formatted with what file format is good) What format does the U disk format use when it is formatted? Mp3 brush after prompted to format, in the options have different file formats: FAT32, FAT, exFAT, so the Internet to find the difference between these formats, in this and share with you: Http:///b/8614284.html? From=related? For Win950SR2 and more versions of the operating system, youd better use the FAT32 partition. This partition format can save data under DOS even if it fails to enter. The FAT32 partition can also be compatible with operating systems such as Liunx. The FAT32 partition can access all the files under DOS, and cannot control the space of each user and encrypt files / folders, so the main problem is that there are some security problems. In addition, the FAT format does not support active directories. The NTFS partition is supported only in Win2000 and WinXP. The NTFS partition management function is better than FAT32 and FAT16, you can encrypt any data and restrict the space used by other users. Moreover, the NTFS partition has good stability and can automatically maintain better optimization. NTFS partitions occupy less space than FAT32. Furthermore, the NTFS partition does not have FAT32s maximum single file and partition size restrictions, which are suitable for storage of jumbo files. In addition, the NTFS partition also allows you to compress partitions to save hard disk space, and to support indexing to reduce file search time. It does not have access to files from other partitions, and you cant save it from DOS after the data crash. The disk partitions of the computer running Windows 2000 Server can use three types of file systems: NTFS, FAT, and FAT32. We recommend using the NTFS file system. FAT and FAT32 are similar, but FAT32 is better suited for larger capacity hard drives. The best file system for large hard disks is NTFS This section helps users compare the various file systems, and then details the various file syst



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