《操作系统》练习(Operating system exercise).doc

《操作系统》练习(Operating system exercise).doc

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《操作系统》练习(Operating system exercise)

《操作系统》练习(Operating system exercise) Operating system exercise.Txt12 missing is a poem to let you in ordinary days to read out the rhythm; missing is a shower, let you dry up the moist days; missing is a sun, so that your days of gloomy clear up. Operating system exercise 1 First, individual choice questions 1., in order for all users in the system to receive a timely response, the operating system should be (B). A, multi batch processing system, B, time-sharing system, C, real-time system, D and network system 2. when the operating system exits the execution and lets the user execute, the system will (C). A, continue to maintain the state of the B, continue to maintain the object state C, from the tube state to the visual state D, from the visual state changes Tube state 3. which of the following process status transitions is not correct (D)?. A, ready, running B, running, ready, C, blocked, ready, D, ready, blocked 4. a process is blocked due to the need to read data from the disk. When the system has completed the required read disk operation, At this point, the state of the process will be (D). A, from ready to run B, from running to ready, C, from running to blocking D, from blocking to Xu 5. process control block is to describe the process status and characteristics of the data structure, a process (D). A can have multiple process control blocks B, and can share a process control block with other processes C, without process control block D, only unique process control block 6. in most synchronous mechanisms, a flag is used to represent the status of a resource, often referred to as (C). A, public variables B, symbol C, semaphore D, flag variable 7. if the process PA performs the P operation on the semaphore S, then the value of the semaphore S should be (B). A, plus 1 B, minus 1 C, equal to 0 D, less than 0 8. the conversion of the process state from the ready state to the running state is accomplished by (C). A, job scheduling, B, intermediate scheduling, C,


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