儿童不宜多吃的20种食物(20 kinds of food which children should not eat more).doc

儿童不宜多吃的20种食物(20 kinds of food which children should not eat more).doc

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儿童不宜多吃的20种食物(20 kinds of food which children should not eat more)

儿童不宜多吃的20种食物(20 kinds of food which children should not eat more) 20 kinds of food which children should not eat more 1, oranges - Although rich in nutrients, oranges contain too much food and too much food, which can cause skin disease, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even bone disease. Therefore, children should not eat more than 4 oranges a day. - 2, spinach - Spinach contains a large number of oxalic acid, oxalic acid in the body with calcium and zinc, they will produce calcium oxalate and zinc oxalate, it is difficult to absorb and excreted. - - Growth and development of children need a lot of calcium and zinc, if the bodys lack of calcium and zinc, not only can lead to skeletal and dental dysplasia, but also affect mental development. - 3, eggs - Although the egg is relatively comprehensive nutritional components of food, but if you eat too much, will increase the cholesterol content, easily lead to excess nutrients, resulting in obesity, but also increase the burden of gastrointestinal, liver and kidney dysfunction caused. Therefore, children should not eat more than 3 eggs per day. - 4, strong tea - Tea contains a large number of tannic acid, tannic acid with iron in the human body will generate iron, difficult to be absorbed by human body, easy to cause iron deficiency. - Iron deficiency in children can not only cause anemia, but also affect intellectual development. - 5, jelly - With fruit juice and sugar jelly is not made, but with the thickener, flavor, sour agent, coloring agent, sweetener compounded of these substances not what nutrition value on the human body, there is a certain toxicity, eat more or eat will affect childrens growth and mental health. - 6, salted fish - A variety of salted fish contain a large amount of two methyl nitrite, this substance into the human body, it will be converted into carcinogenic two strong nitrosamines. - Studies show that eating salted fish before age 10 is the risk of cancer 30 times higher in adults than in the gen


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