天正暖通快捷键(HVAC shortcut key).doc

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天正暖通快捷键(HVAC shortcut key)

天正暖通快捷键(HVAC shortcut key) Engineering management, T86_TProjectManager Initial setting options Advanced options T86_TSetting Toolbar GJT Current percentage T86_TPScale Layer management T86_TLayerManager Line management xxgl Linear library XXK Draw the axis network T86_TAxisGrid Two axle scale T86_TAxisDim2p Point by point axle mark T86_TAxisDimp Draw wall T86_TWall Single line wall changing T86_TSWall Standard column T86_TInsColu T86_TCornColu. Doors and windows T86_TOpening Linear ladder T86_TLStair Arc ladder T86_TAStair Double running stairs, T86_TRStair Balcony T86_TBalcony Step T86_TStep Ramp T86_TAscent At the top of the hill T86_TSlopeRoof Transition diagram ztjt Delete door and window name SMCM Heating pipeline cngx Heating double line cnsx Heating riser cnlg Radiator SRQ System radiator xtsrq Change the radiator gsrq Vertical stem joint lglj Vertical junction sllj Dry junction sglj Your sslj connection Heating valve parts cnfj Heating equipment cnsb Diversity water hfsq Geothermal calculation, drjs Geothermal coil DRPG Double coil sxpg Coil chamfering pgdj Coil statistics pgtj Side view of rotating shaft zzct Heating principle cnyl Sample dytk Gallery Material statistics cltj Equipment connecting pipe sblg Buckle up and down, sxkw Pipeline interrupt gxdd Pipeline connection gxlj The line is set on gxzs The line is set to gxzx Change pipe diameter gggj Single pipe elevation dgbg Pipe broken symbol dgfh Modify pipeline xggx Modify duct xgfg Pipe specification GCGG The thickness of the pipeline is gxcx Identification of internal and external T86_TMarkWall Designated interior wall T86_TMarkIntWall Designated exterior wall T86_TMarkExtWall Highlight exterior walls, T86_THLExtWall Search room T86_TUpdSpace Room editor fjbj Query area T86_TSpArea Area accumulation T86_TPlusText Material library TmatLib Structural library TStructLib Load calculation LCAL Radiator snqp Heating hydraulic CNSL Hydraulic sgsl Hydraulic calculation sljs Plotting enthalpy and humidity di


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