小学英语pep unit 2 my schoolbag教学设计(小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计).doc

小学英语pep unit 2 my schoolbag教学设计(小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计).doc

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小学英语pep unit 2 my schoolbag教学设计(小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计)

小学英语pep unit 2 my schoolbag教学设计(小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计) 小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计 栏目树形导航 |首页|信息中心|质量推进年|教育管理|招生考试|教师之窗|学生天地|资源中心|视频在线|下载中心| 服务之窗| | 质量年专栏首页 | 相关文件 | 领导观点 | 校长观点 | 教师观点 | 家长观点 | 他山之石 | 您现在的位置:青田教育网 质量推进年教师观点正文2012年10月7日星期日 小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计【字体:小大】 小学英语PEP 2单元我的书包教学设计 作者:陈松丽质量推进年来源:本站原创点击数:443更新时间:2006-6-14 2单元我的书包第三课时 教学重点: 1、在四线三格中正确书写英文字母Jj、KK、LL、MM、NN的大小写。 2、学习单词拼图,夹克,护士,面条。 3、学习拼写单词:书包,铅笔,钢笔 教学难点: 1、大写J,K,M,N的笔顺和小写J,K的书写格式。 2、单词拼图、袋鼠、狮子的发音。 教具准备:单词图片;字母卡;单词卡;录音带 教学过程: 一、热身/复习 1、听写。教师发给学生每人一张四线三格纸,教师随意读出字母AA II, 学生要在纸上书写所听到的字母。听写完毕后学生要把写好字母的纸交给教师。 2、教师出示字母卡让学生认读字母。 3、复习单词。注:要求听说的单词,让学生看图说单词。要求听、说、认读的单词,让学生看单词卡读单词,并说出中文含义。 二、演示 1、教学字母JJ和教学单词拼图,夹克。 教师出示单词卡吉普车,让学生读出来并说出中文。 教师问学生吉普的第一个字母是什么:这是什么字母? 学生回答:J.教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母JJ的大小写。 教师说:今天我们再来学习两个以字母J打头的单词出示图片,教读拼图。 Puzzle and jacket. The pronunciation of these two words is difficult, and the pronunciation of students, teachers should be promptly given help. Teacher: these three words are words that start with the letter J. Who remembers how to write the case Jj? Allow students to empty their books or write on the blackboard. Praise of writing students to correct, such as writing errors, teachers can find other students writing. The teacher is taught in the four line and the three compartment. The letter case is Jj. Pay attention to handwriting and writing for students to distinguish capital J, can also produce handwritten and printed words for students to observe, to let the students learn the handwritten uppercase J did not cross. Let the students observe the lower case J carefully Take up a few lines and remind the students to pay attention to the grid position when writing the letters. 2, teaching letters Kk. The teacher shows the picture kangaroo and asks the students to say the word kangaroo. The teacher took a key from his pocket and asked the student, What, s, this. let the students say the word key. The teacher shows the word card Kite. Let the students read and speak chinese. The teacher asked, who k


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