小学英语教师备课要求(Primary school English teacher preparation requirements).doc

小学英语教师备课要求(Primary school English teacher preparation requirements).doc

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小学英语教师备课要求(Primary school English teacher preparation requirements)

小学英语教师备课要求(Primary school English teacher preparation requirements) Primary school English teacher preparation requirements 1, study the teaching outline and grade requirements, fully grasp the content of the teaching materials, and effectively understand the existing knowledge base of students, draw up teaching plans, ahead of preparing lessons for a week. 2, when preparing lessons, we should appropriately handle and organize the teaching content according to the teaching objectives, and scatter the difficulties and stress the key points, and seize the main points. 3, according to the syllabus and sub grade requirements, unit (Chapter) lesson preparation, clear each lesson teaching objectives and hours goals, clear knowledge points and moral education penetration point, both organic combination of penetration. 4, carefully prepare the teaching language, design a good explanation language, comment language, transition language and summary (summary) language, language should be standardized, terminology should be correct, lead to natural. 5, scientific design teaching structure, links, teaching methods and learning methods, blackboard writing program. 6, careful organization (Design) exercises, attention should be paid to the slope and difficulty, the amount of work should be appropriate and reasonable, the exercises should be dispersed in each lesson. 7, write good lesson plans and after class Essays (at least 5 papers per semester), accumulate teaching materials and sum up teaching experience. English classroom teaching requirements Classroom teaching is the main form of imparting knowledge and skills to students. In order to improve the teaching quality of each class, we must earnestly carry out every lesson in accordance with the teaching plan and requirements of the syllabus. Teachers should follow the principles of student oriented, teacher led, and training as the main line, closely link up the teaching purpose and organize the teaching. Classroom teachers are



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