手机万能充电器电路原理与维修(Circuit principle and maintenance of mobile phone universal charger).doc

手机万能充电器电路原理与维修(Circuit principle and maintenance of mobile phone universal charger).doc

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手机万能充电器电路原理与维修(Circuit principle and maintenance of mobile phone universal charger)

手机万能充电器电路原理与维修(Circuit principle and maintenance of mobile phone universal charger) Horseshoe Chunfengdeyi disease, a day to see Changan flowers. Think home, Bu Yueqing, Li Li, recalling the younger brother, look at the clouds, daytime sleep. Appointed by the defeated troops, was in distress. Qiangdi why blame willows, spring breeze of Yumen Pass. The mountain is full of love on the mountain, the sea is intended to overflow Yu Hai. Mobile phone universal charger circuit principle and maintenance, 2008/10/30 10:06 mobile universal charger circuit principle and maintenance Article source: Network As each type of mobile phone comes with a different charger jack, resulting in the charger can not be universal between the mobile phones. When the users mobile phone charger is damaged or lost, it can not be repaired or can not buy the same charger, so that the mobile phone can not be used. Universal charger manufacturers see such opportunities, the development and production of a universal mobile phone charger, the charger because of its small volume, convenient carrying, simple operation, low price, suitable for multiple models, welcomed by users. The Shenzhen Asia Industrial Co. Ltd. production sihaitong S538 universal charger as an example, introduces the working principle and maintenance method. The charger has a high market share, and there is no random circuit diagram, which brings some difficulties to the maintenance. According to the physical mapping, this paper shows the working principle diagram, see the attached drawings for reference when maintenance. Sihaitong type S538 universal charger in the design is unique, the panel with semi elliptical clamp is made of transparent plastic, stainless steel reed two adjustable distance as the charging electrode fixed with a transparent plastic panel. The rear panel side by side with 1 test switch (switch polarity) and the 4 state indicator, according to the requirements of users can adjust the charger electrode distance an



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