手机业,赢得早已发生的未来(The mobile phone industry has won the already - occurring future).doc

手机业,赢得早已发生的未来(The mobile phone industry has won the already - occurring future).doc

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手机业,赢得早已发生的未来(The mobile phone industry has won the already - occurring future)

手机业,赢得早已发生的未来(The mobile phone industry has won the already - occurring future) In about seven years, the domestic mobile phone manufacturers experienced from Shirupozhu, from A new force suddenly rises., ZTE to decline the wealth cycle. Chinese mobile phone manufacturers are in deep trouble, first of all, they never respect and understand mobile phones. The mobile phone is not the only advantage of it is the information receiving terminal and information delivery platform, nor is it is possible to set the text, audio and video in a multimedia receiving and transmitting platform, portable mobile phone real advantage is that its no match. The mobile phones future imagination and technological innovation will create a new beautiful new world with mobile phones as the main infrastructure, and the mobile phone industry will also enter an unprecedented period of prosperity. How can the mobile phone companies create sustainable competitiveness through the use of corporate imagination? This is the question we have to think about with our readers. Win the future that has already happened Chinas mobile phone industry finally entered the winter in 2004. The last month of 2004, the mobile phone industry Chinese broke a series of three events: in December 6th, it changed hands; the same day, the panda mobile phone one of the two main e-design mobile phone collapse; in December 19th, the general manager of TCL Mobile Communication Co., Wan Mingjian declared the class, mobile phone madman business creation myth finally burst. According to Analysys International forecast, in 2005, 20% of domestic mobile phone manufacturers will be out. Is expected by the end of 2005, the domestic mobile phone market share will be less than 20%. in two years ago (the first half of 2003), the domestic mobile phone market share reached 55%, the mobile phone manufacturers China exhilarated, some even assert that, before long, China mobile phone manufacturers can NOKIA, Motorola from the China market o



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