施工技术答案(Construction technical answer).doc

施工技术答案(Construction technical answer).doc

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施工技术答案(Construction technical answer)

施工技术答案(Construction technical answer) First, review questions 1. the composition of soil. 2. test of deformability and its influence on the soil of the earthwork construction. 3. calculation methods of foundation pit and the ditch earthwork. 4. test procedure and method of calculation of the earthwork. 5. why on site elevation should be adjusted? 6. earthwork which should follow the principle of? How to divide the deployment area? 7. the earthwork slope method and the influencing factors of the slope said. The reason of sand flow formation analysis and 8. ways of preventing sand flow and method. The 9. single bucket excavator types? The characteristics and scope of backhoe shovel, excavation methods are there? How to choose? 10. the selection points of earth moving machinery. How to determine the number of earthwork machinery and transportation tools? 11. fill compaction which has several methods? What are the characteristics? What are the main factors affecting the compacted fill? How to check the quality of the compaction? 12. the optimum water content of soil, soil water content and dry density on soil quality control impact? 13. kinds of common explosives, blasting the test principle and performance in civil engineering. 14. the construction blasting safety measures. Two, exercise A pit bottom length 60m, width 25m, depth 5m, four slope, slope 1:0.5. Known Ks=1.20, Ks, =1.05. Test excavation earthwork calculation. If the concrete foundation and basement occupies a volume of 3000m3, it should be the amount of backfill soil? A module of earthworks First, review questions 1. the composition of soil. Answer: according to the excavation difficult degree of soil will be divided into: soft soil and hard soil, gravel soil, hard soil, soft stone, stone, stone, stone hard eight. 2. test of deformability and its influence on the soil of the earthwork construction. Answer: the deformability of the soil natural soil after excavation, the volume due to loose and increased, al



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