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第36 卷 第3 期 电 子 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol.36 No.3 2007 年6 月 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Jun. 2007 基于0-1规划的软硬件划分方法研究 1,2 1 3 江开忠 ,吕 钊 ,孙树峰 (1. 华东师范大学计算机系 上海 普陀区 200062; 2. 上海工程技术大学基础学院 上海 松江区 201620; 3. 上海公安高等专科学校学报编辑部 上海 长宁区 200336) 【摘要】将0-1规划算法应用于软硬件协同划分过程中,一种节点的映射方式对应单位立方体上的一个顶点。利用单位立 方体几何性质求出无约束的目标最优解;由此解出发,利用折半查找和一定的编码策略向外有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站,直到满足系统约束为止; 利用仿真数据对该算法进行了有效性验证。仿真结果表明,0-1算法的收敛速度与遗传算法相当;精度与整线性规划相当。 关 键 词 0-1规划; 软硬件划分; 软硬协同设计 中图分类号 TP393 文献标识码 A Research on the Application of 0-1 Algorithm in HW/SW Partition 1, 2 1 3 JIANG Kai-zhong ,LÜ Zhao ,SUN Shu-feng (1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University Putuo Shanghai 200062; 2. College of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science Shongjiang Shanghai 201620; 3. Editorial Board of Journal of Shanghai Public Security Academy Changning Shanghai 200336) Abstract This paper proposes an innovative 0-1 partitioning algorithm (named 0-1 algorithm) over IP cores which can efficiently partition an expected system into hardware or software parts. The correctness of the 0-1 algorithm is verified. It is illustrated that the result of optimization using the algorithm is better than using genetic algorithm, with similar convergence speed. In addition, this algorithm has the advantage that its convergence is quicker than the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach. Key words 0-1 algorithm; hardware-software co-partition; hardware-software co-design 软硬件协同划分是指在设计系统时确定各个模 内为软硬件划分找到


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