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三级考试语法综合要点;contents;现在完成时★★★☆☆ structure:have/has+v.p.p. 时间状语:ago,yesterday,last month,since,so far,up to now, until now,for/in/over/during the past few years. He had hardly finished his speech when the audience started cheering. 他的演讲一结束观众们就开始振奋起来。 =Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience started cheering.(常考于倒装用法) 将来完成时★★★★☆ structure:shall/will have+v.p.p by/by the time/by the end of/before/until+将来时间 The students will have finished their papers by the end of this month. 直到这个月底,学生们将完成他们的论文。 ;现在完成时★★★☆☆ structure:have/has+v.p.p. 时间状语:ago,yesterday,last month,since,so far,up to now, until now,for/in/over/during the past few years. I have seen the film several years ago. 现在完成进行时★★☆☆☆ 谈论动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在, 并且有可能持续下去 have / has been + doing sth + since/for +过去的时间点 She played table tennis for 19 years.(动作不能延续只能用现在完成时结构) I’ve been skating for five hours. (动作可以延续下去可用现在完成进行时结构) ;虚拟语气的用法 ★★★★★;1. If I ______ (know) her address, I would write to her. 2. What would you have done if you __________(miss) the train? 3. If he ___________ (not be ill ), he would have done something. 4. If it ________________________(snow) tomorrow, we ____________(get up) early. 5. If you should succeed, everything all right. 6.If he had not been ill and missed many classes, he _____________ (make) greater progress. ; ;2.时间错综复杂句★☆☆☆☆;3.暗含条件句★★★★☆;4.主语从句★★★★☆;5.宾语从句★★★★☆;2. wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气。 ★★★☆☆ wish 后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气,要按“后退一步法” ;e.g.1. He wished he hadn‘t said that. 2. I wish it would rain tomorrow. 3. I wish that the experiment were a success. 4. I wish that I could have gone with you last night. 5. We wish that they would come soon. Practices: 1. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I _____ there.    A. were B. would be C. had been D. will be 2.Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.    A. could study B. studied C. had studied D. would study 3. You wished she the next day


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