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;汉语复句;;缩合复句(Condensed sentences);汉语复句种类;意合与形合 Parataxis Hypotaxis;“板块”式结构与“多枝共干”结构;“左分支”结构与“右分支”结构;复句与复合、复杂句;翻译思路;并列复句之一:并列关系;这两种文明产生于不同地区,它们的发展并行不悖,互不影响。 These two civilizations were created in different areas and developed without interinfluence. 她不知道发生了什么,也不在乎。 She neither knows nor cares what has happened. ;早期的电影是无声的,你既听 不到演员的对话,也听不 到动作所发出的响声 . Early films were silent: you could neither hear the dialogues between characters, nor the sounds and noises made by actions. Early films were silent: you could not hear the dialogues between characters, nor could you hear the sounds and noises made by actions. ;并列复句之二:连贯关系 ;计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒。 Hardly had the computer started up when viruses were found. 杨小姐郑重地递给我一张名片表示希望和我交个朋友,于是便开始和我低声交谈。 Miss Yang, who had presented a business card to me in hopes of making friends with me, began to converse with me in a gentle voice. ;并列复句之三:递进关系 ;新建的住宅小区不仅有商业网点、供电供水、垃圾转运等齐全的设备,还有学校、幼儿园、派出所和医疗站。 In the new residential area there are not only commercial networks, water and electricity supply systems and garbage removal service, but also schools, kindergartens, police stations and health-care centers. ;并列复句之四:选择关系 ;不是他没有讲清楚, 就是我没有听明白。 Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well. 我们宁可克服种种困难把这项实验进行下去,也不愿放弃不做。 We would rather go on with the experiment in adversity than give it up. ; 主从复句之一:转折让步关系 ;尽管钢铁的性能极好,但是在力的作用下 还是会变形的。 Rigid as they are, iron and steel will deform under the action of forces. 中国有几百种地方戏曲,且每一种戏曲在曲调、音乐和方言上均不相同,但在表演形式方面,大多数中国传统戏曲却有很多共同之处。 In China there are hundreds of kinds of local operas . Although they differ in tone, style of music and dialect, they have a lot in common in the style of acting,. ;燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的你,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? Swallows may have gone, but there’s a time of coming back; willow trees may have died, but there’s a time of returning green; peach blossoms may have fallen, but


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