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我的梦想是我能进入一所重点大学。;Noun Clause;;Whether he will come or not is unknown.; 引导名词性从句的三类关联词;二、连接词的选择 (1) that 与 what (卷子名从1); 引导名词性从句的三类关联词 That a. 只起连接作用, 不做成分 b. 一般不省,只再宾语从句中可省 e.g 1).I know that you are concerned about your son’s safety. 2).______ he has set out to prepare for the coming exams is satisfying. ;It is satisfying ____he has set out to prepare for the coming exams ;;What ;1 _____ made the school proud was ____ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. A What ;because B What ;that C That ;what D that; because 2 People have heard what the President has said ; they are waiting to see ____ he will do . A how B what C when D that ;3 --- Are you still thinking abut yesterday’s game? --- Oh,that’s ____. A what makes me feel excited . B whatever I feel excited about C How I feel about it D when I feel excited ;whether与 if在名词性从句中的用法区别;宾语从句中,whether常与 or not搭配,可以说whether or not, 而不说if or not. ; If :只用于Vt宾语从句 不在句首的主语从句 a.I don’t know whether/if he will come b. …………... ________………..or not c. It depends on _____ you will give the chance. d. _____ he can afford to buy such a car is still a question. ;e. It is doubtful _____he is coming. g. The point is _____ he will inform me of the news.;;;America was _____ was first called “India” by Columbus. A. that B. where C. what You can’t imagine _____ a beautiful girl she is. A. how B. what C. that D. who. _____ matters most in learning English is enough practice. A. what B.which C. where D. which ;3.连接副词(a. 连接 b.做从句中的状语) when/where/why/ how/ how many/how much…. 1)I don’t know __________ he will go. 2)Can you explain ________you were late this morning? 3)__________he will come here isn’t decided. 4) this is ______ I was late this morning _______I was born in 1971 _______ I worked out the probl


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