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反意疑问句的用法大有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????大漠孤烟 反意疑问句也叫附加疑问句(tag question), 它是对前面句子陈述部分的诘问,表示对原陈述部分的强调.这项内容在初中英语教学中,占了很大的比重;同时,在中考中也是常考的语法知识点.然而,由于反意疑问句的变化类型特别多,学生掌握起来非常困难,造成 在中考中常常失分.为便于学生全面了解,整体把握,方便记忆,我把反意疑问句的所有类型作如下归纳整合: 第一类: 前肯定,后否定???????????? 第二类: 前否定,后肯定???????? 第三类: 祈使句 第四类: 以so 开头的? 具体有以下几种形式: 一.主语是人称代词时,其反意疑问句的主语应和前面的主语保持一致: 1.We all like English and Chinese, dont we? 2.She didnt go there last night, did she? 3. I cant speak Japanese, can I? 二.主语是指示代词时,其反意疑问句的主语应是it或they: 1.Thats my favorite music, isnt it? 2.These arent our umbrellas, are they? 三.主语是不定代词时,其反意疑问句的主语若指物用it,若指人用they: 1.Something is wrong with your bicycle, isnt it? 2.Nobody knows who she is, do they? 四.主语是名词,动词不定式,动名词短语时,反意疑问句的主语应是相应的人称代?? 词: 1.Mike comes from the USA, doesnt he? 2.The milk has been drunk up by me, hasnt it? 3.To learn English well is very important, isnt it? 4.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes, isnt it? 五.祈使句结构 除lets 开头的外, 其余反意疑问句均用will you: 1.Please close your books, will you? 2.Dont shout at me, will you? 3. Let me carry the heavy box, will you? 4. Lets talk about the subject, shall we? ? 六.并列句结构,其反意疑问句的主语应按后一个句子变: 1.I like swimming but she likes skating, doesnt she? 2.Hurry up, or youll be late again, wont you? 3.Work hard and you will catch up with others, wont you? 七.复合句结构,若主句中动词是think, believe guess,suppose,且主语是第一人称,其反意疑问句的主语应按从句变,其余的一律按主句变: ? 1.I think he has been to the Great Wall, hasnt he? ??2.We supposed that they would come here by air that day, wouldnt they? ??3.She thinks I should give some advice to her often, doesnt she? ??4 .We will have a meeting when they come back in two days, wont we? ? 5. If it doesnt rain tommorrow, hell set off with his parents, wont he?? 八.??Here, there 引起的倒装句,其反意疑问句的主语应视后面的主语而定: ??????1.There goes the bell, doesnt it? ??????2.Here is coming the bus, isnt it? 九 there be 结构,起反意疑问句还用there: ???? 1.There is little??water left in the bott


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