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定语从句考点分析 (考点一) which ,who和 that 不能互换的情况 1. This is the most beautiful courtyard ___ the tourists have ever seen. 2. Butchering animals is the only thing ___ interests the butcher. 3. This merchant is not the man ___ he used to be. 4. The researchers talked for half an hour about things and persons ___ they could remember at the institute. (考点二)关系副词和关系代词的辨析 I still remember the day when the accident happened. I still remember the day which / that was spent in the country. 2. This is the factory where my father works. This is the factory which/ that produces waste water. 3. He refused to tell me the reason why he was late. The reason which/ that he explained was very simple. 小结 同一先行词 不同的关系词的原因: (考点三) The way that/ in which he studied English is very good. The way which/ that he thinks works well in practice. (考点四) We are in a position where we may lose a large sum of money. He has reached the point where a change is needed. The situation which/ that he has to faced with is terrible. 小结 两组特殊先行词 The way Case, point, position, situation Exe. This happened on the day ___ the city of Quebec was seized. The days ___ I wasted when I was young won’t come back again. The captain will never forget the days ___ he spent with his crew on the ship. There are a lot of precious stones in the museum ___ the students visited the other day. Is this the cottage ___ was built centuries ago? The librarian has a good way ___ he can sort all the books scientifically. The professor has a strange way ___ can make his lessons lively and interesting. The explorer learnt this in a way ___ he will never forget. Your companion wants to know the reason ___ industrial chemistry is very important. The reason ___ my roommate told me is unbelievable. I think the reason ___ was given by your colleague is believable. (考点五): 所属关系 A child whose (of whom) parents are dead is called Tom. The house whose (of which) window is broken is his. The plan


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