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定语从句典型错误例析;1.过去十年中发生的变化使这个城市看上去大不相同了。 误:The changes took place in the past ten years have made the city look quite different. ;2. 我们三周前交的作文还没有批改。 误:The compositions we handed them in three weeks ago haven’t been marked yet. ;3.这座城市再也不是过去那个样子了。 The city is no longer the city what it used to be. ;4.我是你的最好的朋友,在你遇到困难时当然会帮助你的。 I, who is your best friend, will certainly help you whenever you are in trouble. ;5.她是这家幼儿园中拿高工资的为数不多的女孩之一。 She is one of the few girls who is well paid in the kindergarten. ;当one之前有the only等修饰时,先行词为one,从句谓语用单数。如:Mary is the only one of Mr Brown’s four daughters who has received higher education. ;6.所有需要做的事情都必须做好。 误:All which needs to be done must be done well. ;7.课堂上老师给我们讲述了我们大家不熟悉的这位作家及他的作品。 In class our teacher spoke to us about the writer and his works which were still unknown to us all. ;8.楼下我们有两个空房间,至少一年没人住了。 We have two spare rooms downstairs, neither of them has been used for at least a year. ;9.他假装没听懂我的话,这使我很生气。 误:He pretended not to understand what I said, this made me very angry. ;10有关第二次世界大战的故事写得很好,这是其中的一篇。 The stories about the Second World War were well written, of that this was one example. ; 11.如上所述,高中生在校人数逐年增加。 误:It is said above, the number of senior high school students is increasing each year. ;12. 这房子以这么低的价格出售,在人们的预料之中。 The house was sold at such a low price that people expected. ;13.我永远不会忘记在乡下与他们一起度过的快乐时光。I’ll never forget the happy hours when I spent together with them in the country. ;14.每天来这儿送奶的那姑娘是山区来的。The girl bringing milk here every day is from the mountainous area. ;15. 直到1953年他才重返家乡。 误:It was not until 1954 when he returned to his hometown. ;16.那本书是我的,书皮是蓝色的。 The book,the cover of it is blue, is mine.;一、the +名词+of which /whom 这种结构可以与whose引导??非限定性定语从句互换。 例如: The boy,the father of whom died,is in our class. The boy,whose father died,is in our class. 那个男孩在我们班,他父亲去世了。 ;二、不定代词some /any /all等或基数词+of which /whom I bought many books yesterday,some of which are novels.我昨天买了许多书,其中一些是小说。 He has three sons,all(two)of w


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